As soon as they began to pull the net out of the water. They were met with the sounds of movement- splashing at the water's surface. He saw what could only be a crab and a weird spiky ball thing. "Yeah, that's a crab. But I don't know what that is. It looks sharp though, be careful." Aresenn warned his brother. But as they pulled the net all the way out, there were a couple more things too. Not one crab, but a couple of them. Some grass that had gotten tangled in the net. And a Starfish! But he was met with immediate disappointment. "Aww, I didn't see if he swam or not, though!" He said, motioning to the five-pointed shellfish. Would it be worth throwing him back to see?
All and all, he considered it a successful first cast! "Wow, this worked out better than I expected though. We caught some cool stuff!" He finished, looking back to Diablo with delight.