
Shaping the future.




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-23-2022, 12:50 AM

Artorias had listened politely to Kotori as he had presented his reasons for coming.  As the fire warmed the two wolves Artorias started off his response, sharing that what Kotori was doing was a noteworthy accomplishment. Kotori nodded, appreciation for Art’s statement.  There were times the arrogant Kotori wanted to hear praise for his deeds.  It was always welcome but less important.  His desires had grown beyond just showing off and finding his own freedom.  It wasn’t just getting to have the title of leader but learning how to be one worthy of the position.  It was going to be harder than he first imagined but a goal he could still achieve.  He had wanted to be a good leader from the beginning of course but every day he learned more about what that would really take. Artorias offered no sign of doubting Kotori’s abilities.

At the mention of his sister, Kotori grinned back at his brother-in-law.  “She is indeed.  Anyone wanting to argue that is welcome to come and speak with me about it.”  It was now Artorias job to defend his sister’s honor but, should it ever be necessary Kotori had no problem stepping into his brotherly role to do so.  It was all lighthearted but fully meant.

The first of Kotori’s goals came into play and it was good to hear that Artorias also wanted to get to know him.  Why hadn’t Kotori asked for this sooner?  Hell, he’d been here for the wedding and could have suggested it then.  There had been other matters in the wolf’s heart at the time but still, he should have thought of it.  Obviously, Artorias would have been busy then but they could have discussed a meeting up in the future.  No time like the present to make up for past failures.

The next part did honestly surprise him.  Kotori had thought the hallows would be the easiest place to build an alliance, after the Armada.  After the first few words of hoping Kotori understood he saw that Artorias was going to turn down this request.  What the heck?  How could Valta not have an alliance with the pack his sister lived in?  

Artorias hadn’t stopped talking though, explaining in fact why he was going to turn down an alliance straight away before even making the official statement they would not do so.  The packs would still be labeled on good terms at least.  The truth is, as Kotori soaked in the Aegis' words he had to acknowledge the wisdom in them.  He hadn’t even spoken of his pack's goals but just asked for blind agreeance.  Perhaps Artorias' answer was even better than the one Kotori had wanted.  It gave the horned wolf something to consider in regard to patience and thinking more deeply about a situation.

Kotori had quickly thought up packs he had wanted alliances with due to a few simple facts instead of any flaws that might be there.  Even if he did have faith in the packs he had chosen, it hadn’t been smart the way he'd decided.
The wolf turned his head away from Artorias for a moment, looking within at the burning flames.  He was making an impression both as a family member and leader of a new pack so he should consider his words well.  The fire burned brightly, easy to draw an eye but he turned his head to face Artorias once more after just a few seconds.  “I understand and, you are right.  Asking you to ally with my pack before knowing it wasn’t well thought out.”  If you are going to be an arrogant jerk at times you better be able to also admit when you are wrong.

“Valta is not going to be a war pack. Kotori’s lip twitched, “That said, I do love a good fight.  If anyone wants to challenge or disrespect us I'm happy to teach them of their errors,” Kotori grinned as he added in that last part.

Kotori smiled, a surprisingly soft one as he imagined his next part, “I want to have a family.  I want to find a wife who will meet all that I hope for and I want to have children.  I want to raise my children around wolves who will be good role models.  With that thought, I realize I want all wolves in my pack to learn how to act in a way that can be respected.”

"My children and the children of those raised in the pack will learn how to be the best they can be.  Regardless if they want to focus on fighting or healing, there will be basic lessons on etiquette.  Whatever field they decide to work in they will be expected to master and keep learning.
 A lot of packs had rules and were likely similar enough.  Still, Kotori wanted to focus on making every wolf be the best they could be, believing he could help shape those who joined to live up to his goals.

Kotori’s lip twitched, “and I am proud of my bloodline. I put value in being a Fatalis.  I was the son of the warlord of the Armada.  So, in my pack, those of ‘royal’ blood will have both a higher standing than those of other bloodlines but,” and he emphasized the ‘but’ “they will also have more expectations on them.  Noble blood should always do their best to show well and not dishonor that name.  If a wolf can’t live up to their title or blood then they don’t deserve it.  Noble blood is defined as the leader of allied packs and those they acknowledge as family.” This was an area he knew some wolves disagreed with.  Blood doesn't matter and all that.  Those who disliked Kotori's opinion and wanted to argue it didn't need to be in his pack.  If his friends or others he respected didn't agree with it then that was fine, so long as they respected it was how things worked in Kotori's pack.

Kotori let the more formal matters drop and grinned once more, “as to the wine, yes I’ll be taking some back, Briar already agreed to that.  I intend to have a party to celebrate Valta’s creation.  It will need lots of drinks.  I mean, there is going to be a drinking contest and I’m hoping for a good turnout.” Kotori shrugged, “obviously I hope you come to the party but with a large number of wolves there it isn’t the same I imagine as truly getting to know the pack or us personally knowing each other.  You are welcome to come then stay after or just choose another time to come and visit. Mmm…” Kotori looked to the fire for a moment, musing teasingly as he added, “and I guess if I become an uncle you might need time before you can come to visit.” Briar had mentioned it wasn’t a guaranteed yet but something that was hopefully going to happen.  “and  yes, Aegis Artorias we do have a deal if you still feel that way after what I've said”

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]