


01-07-2014, 12:46 AM
She would maneuver out of harm's way, and pull her face out of the way of his attack. Snapping jaws would seek retribution for the slander against his family, but none would come of his first attack - she had moved swiftly, ducking to her right and going for his left leg. His teeth would strike near her scruff, and as soon as his teeth met flesh he would release her - it would not cause her permanent damage, it would not leave her with regret for her foolishness.

Since Devya had aimed for his left leg and he was smaller than she was, the brute would attempt to take advantage of her lowered position. Back legs would push him forward, and he would attempt to push himself up onto Devya's shoulders up near her neck and scruff. His right leg would be used to try and keep him balanced, and in an attempt to keep himself upright and positioned above his opponent, he would try and hike it higher immediately after it hit it's mark. Codeine's goal was to try and balance himself by throwing his right leg over Devya's neck up near her shoulders and possibly push her down her with his upper body while her head was somewhat awkwardly angled to bite at his left leg.

He wouldn't waste time in searching for his new target, narrowed eyes would quickly zero in on the nearest, easiest and most painful target. Gaping jaws would snap toward Devya's right ear, his intent was to try and grab it at the base and clamp down, and should he hit his mark he would yank his head to his right in an attempt to remove the pretty audit from her body entirely. Hopefully he would be able to use her movements against her should he attain any sort of grip, and the more she tried to move away from him, the worse his damage would be. All of his movements were an attempt to get the female to be beneath him, and hopefully stop her from moving to the right and away from him so that he could continue trying to rip her tongue out. The pain that radiated from his upper left foreleg was worth it, the quarter inch gashes that would heal in due time were worth it, the blood that she could surely taste in her mouth should she choose not to let go of him would be paid in full. Adrenaline and rage would lessen the feeling of pain, but it still hurt as flesh was torn and the damage was done.

Behind him his back legs were still squared, and his toes dug into the ground for traction against Devya's attempt to throw his balance off. A stubborn brute, he refused to have his smaller stature used against him unless she paid for it - and his intent was for the payment to be the bitch's entire left ear. His eyes remained narrowed and his ears pinned despite their position away from his opponent. His chin would remained tucked as well as it could and his jaws were agape when not attacking to try and protect his throat. His head was aligned with his spine, his shoulders rolled and his hackles raised to protect his neck and spine. His stomach was clenched and muscles tensed as he tried to keep himself balanced in case Devya continued trying to pull his leg out from under him despite his attempts to keep her in one place. His balance was attained, his back legs squared, his tail waving quickly behind him to keep him upright, and he was attempting to better it by throwing his leg over Devya's shoulders as well.

ooc: discussed with secret that devya's head was turned inward while she made her bite, so her right ear would be closer than her left while attacking codeine's left leg.

attacks: bite toward Devya's right ear, trying to shove himself on top of Devya

defenses: back legs squared, toes digging into the ground, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws agape, chin tucked, head aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, stomach clenched, muscles tense, attempting to improve his balance by using his right leg and hiking it over Devya's neck/shoulders
injuries: quarter inch bite marks near the upper part of his left foreleg

vs. Devya for Dominance and potential maim

move 2 of 3