
Descensum Altar


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-23-2022, 09:56 PM
There it was! After spending the better part of the day roaming around in the bright, sunny mists and winding up turned around more often than not, she'd finally found it! Satira gave a doggish bark of glee as she bounded up to the statue of the dancing wolf, practically bouncing with each step she took. Her fluffy tail wagged with nothing short of sheer excitement to gaze upon the simple yet mystical beauty of the statue in the golden rays of sunlight. Watching the ferret familiars practically dancing about with there graceful, lithe movements was equally as exciting, and almost put the wolf-dog lass in the mood to join them in their revelry. Already, the effigy was dressed in a number of gifts, most of them glistening pieces of jewelry, and even a crown to boot! The statue looked so ornate, Tira didn't think any more beauty could be added to it! So instead, she had brought things to decorate the base with—useful, decorative things.

As a healer, Tira had taken a fancy to the more... recreational variety of plants and herbs. Seeing the mirthful and flamboyant nature of the statue called to her, made her feel connected to the deity it represented in some ways. She was different too—a half-breed, smaller than others, just like the statue, unique but also strange. Drugs had become a fun and interesting way to experiment with escaping reality into realms of delight, places that she felt certain this fabulous entity had come from. Pulling off her small leather satchel from around her neck, Tira handed off a variety of plants to the ferrets to garnish and wrap around the base of the statue. Freshly picked marijuana leaves, the bright green leaves of coca plants from Auster, the vivid reds of the poppy flowers, and the stark white blossoms of jimson weed. Now it was a real party! Giggling to herself as she looked up at the statue again, Satira rose up on her hind legs and tried to imitate the pose of the entity, dancing about on her hind legs for a few moments with giddy laughter. When it was time for her to leave, she smiled to each of the ferrets before turning to find her way out through the mists. "Thank you, friends! Enjoy your party!"



A ferret bounds up excitedly to check out your contribution. "Hahahaha nice, he'll like that one. Here, this is for you! Enjoy!" He shoves a fun party pouch of stuff at you before bouncing off to adjust the decorations to be even more perfect.

You have received:
127 Gems & 10% Bonus Fight Score Pass

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