
The Plunder Plunders (Or tries to but like we lose every raid, so what do you expect)




Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

10-24-2022, 12:23 AM
Fights broke out left and right, and Grimoire sort of stayed out of the way as wolves from both sides battled it out. So far, it seemed like Armada was losing...but they still outnumbered the Pirate wolves. His gaze shifted from one fight to the next as a wolf from either side fell away either victorious or losing their fight. He had never fought in a raid before and hadn't been sure what to expect. The level at which nearly everyone seemed to be going at each other, however, seemed like a lot. It seemed as if almost everyone was looking to take a body part away from the other. A red male had taken half of his packmate's tail. Azure had lost a piece of his tail. Others got some nasty-looking cuts that were likely to scar, and Sirius had seemed to carefully take off an ear tip from the Pirate alpha.

As he was distracted watching the goings on, he was almost blindsided by a she-wolf slightly larger than himself as she came in to push him over. The horned male half turned to face her, her paw coming in contact with the front of his chest as he planted his feet and used his weight to keep himself from being pushed over. Grunting from impact, Grimoire then kicked from the ground, seeking to propel himself forward in an effort to use his weight to unbalance her as he aimed a headbutt to the side of her head with the side of his own head careful to keep his horns from causing any serious damage. After all, he wasn't yet interested in doing serious harm...not unless someone was trying to do it to him, and so far, this she-wolf hadn't done that.

Grimoire vs Modesty for Raid - Dominance
Round: 1/1
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Horns - Offensive
Mutation 2: Bear paws - Offensive
Skills: Novice Fighter & Advanced Hunter