
we all make mistakes..?


10-15-2013, 01:27 AM

Oh? Was that sarcasm he detected? Ah, yes apparently it was, the copper damn was not at all fooled by his ploy ? how she managed to translate his gibberish was particularly amazing ? and she was letting him know it. The blue-eyed speedster shrugged his shoulders in a noncommittal gesture. He really couldn?t be blamed for trying seeing as how he was in the perfect position to be heckled by anyone who enjoyed kicking a guy when he was down. He was only grateful that she seemed somewhat disinclined to make her teasing belligerent. Thank God for small mercies.

Still her response earned her a chuckle as Royale attended to the pressing issue of his tongue being glued to a glorified glacier. Unless he wanted it to become a permanent fixture he was going to need a proper plan to get himself unstuck. Otherwise it was going to be a very, very long winter for him.

He listened to the woman with half an ear, smirking to the best of his ability as she relayed an answer to his question as she got comfortable. The movement allowed him to see the swollen bulge in her stomach ? so she was either really fat or heavy with pups. Neither was a particularly enticing prospect but he supposed little rugrats were infinitely better than looking like a bloated all the time. Not that he found her any less attractive it was just the knowledge that she might already have a claim on her that might bother him.

?Tho a paak, huh? Sh?onds naice. Muss be coo libin way up ?ere.? Lord he was butchering the language to terribly that he had to cringe ? or was that because speaking pulled his tongue and the nerves didn?t appreciate it? Whatever.

Present company rejoined with her own question, one that immediately took his mind off his poor situation and made him grin salaciously. ?Ah waz tinking bout a lil friction~? he cooed playfully. ?Ya know, rubbin togeder t?make heat? Yuu sheem rader warm, anna halp me out?? He said shamelessly with a comical wiggling of his brows.
