
Hallucination Caves Altar


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
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10-25-2022, 08:51 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2022, 08:53 AM by Gilgamesh. Edited 6 times in total.)

Night terrors he had long thought been solved had returned. Vivid, but also fuzzy at the same time, images of mushrooms and crystals fill the land and all of his orifices. Whispering voices pulled at his ears as he rumbled under his breath that he wanted to be left alone. He found himself waking to his own screams that could rattle the bones of the dead. Why could he not escape the torture of the Long Night?

Leading up to the festival, things had been different. It was as if pockets of land had changed to Autumn before Summer was even ready to be over. Thankful that the days still cycled as they should, Gil couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. Even as he took his family to the festival that beckoned them to the Stone Steppes, he wasn't able to fully enjoy the festivities. Nothing he did would shake the feeling of his guts twisting over and over and over again.

As the festival faded to a good conclusion, no blood had seemed to be drawn, Gil heard once more a whispering call for him to follow. He tried to ignore the pools of blood in the new pockets of Autumn throughout Boreas. Telling himself that he was simply imagining the phenomena, he stopped by his family's den before continuing to follow the call of a specific statue's altar. The mottled man would travel alone, leaving behind his family in case anything bad would happen. Unlike some, Gil was always ready to accept the utmost worst fates.

While he drew nearer to the western side of Auster, the magical pockets of autumn appeared to shift with wild colors and a sweet-smelling gas. His goat-like eyes felt as if they went cross-eyed the more he ventured closer to the caves. Compelled to reach his final destination, he would snarl, snap, and attempt to ignore the occurring hallucinations that appeared around him. Whispy creatures hummed lullabies while fading ghostly figures danced in the shadows. Maybe he was imagining things or maybe they were real...

Finally approaching the caves that twinkled with the appearance of a night sky, he halted at the entrance. Why would this place be calling to him? Even as he peered in toward the mysterious statue, his heart skipped a beat. Something about it was familiar. The way the cave was cloaked in darkness while stars shimmered upon the ceiling. How the three-eyed marble creature stared relentlessly at him as if it knew what he had brought to offer. Willing himself to push through the uneasy feeling that consumed him, he approached the statue's altar with butterflies fanning the air around his body.

Ignoring the frantic movement of the bugs and the ominous feeling that he was being watched, Gil pulled a vial from his borrowed satchel that held a single firefly within. How the firefly was still alive after all this time, he had no explanation, but it felt right to offer it to the statue. Placing it as gently as he could upon the altar, he lifted his yellow eyes one final time to the peering statue before backing away slowly. Removing himself from the cave as the hallucinations started to feel more than real, he tried to forget about how familiar the statue felt.

”Speech” ’Thought’

ooc. proof of gil's firefly's favor


The patchwork man held aloft a bottle with a firefly in it. The statue knew this firefly well, and one of the familiars took the bottle and popped it open, freeing the bug within. The glowing friend bumbled towards the clear glass base of the statue, phasing into it as easily as it flew through air. Once inside the pedestal, the firefly flew around, his light brightening and illuminating the statue from beneath.

As you turn to go, an item catches your eye, and you can swear you hear a voice saying, "Take it, it's yours."

You have received:

Grow Potion

Staff: note when claimed

Something Strange Happens...

As you sleep that night, you see visions of yourself teaching your pups how to hone their abilities. You see them working hard and becoming successful, and you learn more by teaching them.

You gain 90 skill points of your choice.

Staff: note when claimed

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him