
Hallucination Caves Altar



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-25-2022, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2022, 07:28 PM by Usagi. Edited 2 times in total.)
What really surprised Usagi was that not only did he willingly march down to this whispy, psychedelic cave and offer an object to an equally bewildering statue..he was going to do it again.

The hohei was not with Kunai this time, though he wished he was. As he picked his way down the maw of the cave, recalling the unnaturally vivid polychrome of hues, the smoky whisps of fog and the twinkling of stars on the ceiling, he had to admit he'd never felt so unsettled. Nothing really phased the man - crashing onto Boreas' shores with his brother hadn't scared him. Being with his only kin on a land they knew nothing about hadn't scared him, either. Finally tracking down and confronting their absent father, trying to forgive him and facing his repressed emotions? Uncomfortable at best, but it wasn't..this. As the fog revealed the shimmering mammoth of a statue, its additional features casting themselves upon him, as if seeing through him, Usagi grasped his new, carefully planned offering in his maw, seeing others come and go with their own items. The butterflies that used to lazily flap around the altar's twisted features were a bit more energetic..or frantic.

Swallowing back the unease that rose in his throat, the stone-faced hohei approached the altar with his gift. It was a cup of the most beautiful shine, from his own precious tea set. He had crafted the set himself, collecting the clay in the bamboo maze's soft earth and forming it himself (not that he'd openly admit to his boyfriend or brother that he did enjoy claymaking). He'd meticulously taken the time to harden it in the sun, wash it gently in the shores of the bay, and stain it a soft umber shade with lighter striping from handmade dye, one made of various nuts and charcoal. It was his own craft, the best he'd ever made. And he was offering it to the altar. Usagi made his way over, trying not to think about the statue's sharp gaze settling upon him, and set the teacup down at its base. Eyeing the familiars fluttering about, he whisked away his unease with a respectful bow, then turning around and tracking the scents of wolves before him to make his way through the whispy fog, and back outside.

"Kunai Speech." & "Usagi Speech."


The red-topped man approached, leaving a beautiful cup as offering. Oh how it shined in the light of the fireflies! If only it had been full of tea! Luckily, the butterflies remedied that quickly, although where they got a hot kettle of tea, or how they carried it, and poured it still steaming into the cup was a mystery. You swear you can see the statue's eyes glint as the cup is raised to the pedestal.

"Next time, let's sit and sip together," you think you hear in the back of your mind.

In the fog, you make out an object, a firefly flashing as if to bring your attention to it.

You have received:

Potion of Perception

Staff: note when claimed
wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—