
Hallucination Caves Altar

Asmodeus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
10-25-2022, 10:24 PM

Did Gods give worship to other Gods? Deus assumed that as far as the Abraxas family went, no, they did not. From what he had been taught of his family and his religion, it was the other Gods that were the problem. The ones who had kicked Abraxas out of heaven and forced him and his family to walk among mortals. The ones who had stolen their rightful throne. All this was reason to let this farce of a 'festival' pass by without the validation of his attention, but still Deus felt drawn toward the statues in a way he could not explain.

The Long Night had shown to him a God, one who had blessed his own companion as well as himself. Deus had always considered it to be a mere messenger of Abraxas and not a standalone deity like these statues came off to be; but was he certain enough of that to bring their ire by ignoring them? If they were servants of Abraxas, Deus would not hesitate to offer them worship as they were rightly due.

In the end he arrived to the statue still hesitant, but open to the possibility. This one resembled the most (in his opinion) the cloaked figure who had given to him his quills in the year prior. Deus was careful with his offering, not wanting to risk giving anything that might be looked down upon by his God if whoever this altar represented truly was unaffiliated. Deus called his dog over to him - the one with glowing eyes, touched by Abraxas's messenger himself - and held out his paw. The malinois did not hesitate to sink her fangs into the pawpad, drawing blood that Deus then allowed to drop onto the altar itself. "I have the blood of a God too." He stated simply, proud. "A blood more valuable than any mere mortal's could ever be. I do not give it freely, but to another worthy being I will make an exception."

With his offering complete, Deus began his retreat. Dipping his head briefly and heading back out the caves, senses alert for a whisper of a sign that what he had done was right.



The earthen man approaches, talking senselessly about how important he is. He is sincere, but his words and actions lack real substance. Worse, he spills blood at the altar, its murky redness dulling the beauty of the scene. God or no, blood is blood.

"Haughty," the statue says, and as you turn you see it in full motion as if it had been alive the entire time. "A god can offer better. A god can do better. If you are so valuable, but have done nothing of value, then what makes you so worthy?" Its maw doesn't move, but its eyes twinkle along with the words, and somehow you know it is speaking to you.

Its third eye opens wide, and you find yourself frozen in its gaze. The eye bores into your being, shimmering with a hundred colors which you can never hope to name. Its lips raise and thousands of razor thin gems fill its maw. Its tongue lolls out, long and looping, nearly touching the ground as the being walks slowly, purposefully towards you.

"Better to be a shining mortal than a useless God," it says, and you feel your wound throb and burn. Risking a glance down, the blood runs thick and dark, reflecting the rainbow in its darkness as it sizzles up your leg rather than down. No matter the pain, you can not move, can not cry out. Burning fur and flesh overwhelm your senses until the oil-slick blood pools and drips upwards from your shoulder into the sky. The statue's jaw unhinges and it roars loud enough to shake the cavern, "Become mortal!" Its stage cracks and shatters, along with your gemstone quills which implode into a thousand pieces outwards.

In that moment of pain, you're forced to blink, and all returns to normal- all except for your arm which now bears a stream of the darkest black fur wherever the dark blood touched and your quills, which lay shattered on the floor around you.

You have received:

Large black fur marking on your leg (not specified- player's choice) from your paw to your shoulder.

Something Strange Happens:
You see yourself shaken by this god... and begin to doubt, at least for a while, losing some of your skill points.

You have received lost:

Defensive Quills for 3 IC Seasons

20 Hunting skill points (Already taken out)