
God's Garden Altar



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-25-2022, 11:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2023, 11:14 AM by Seadragoness. Edited 2 times in total.)

Outlaw approached the statue he’d heard about, bobbing his head to it as he unslung a bag from around his shoulder.  “Hey there,” he offered to the statue with a friendly tone and, then to the tenrec's caring for it.   Outlaw listens to the familiar's words, nodding thoughtfully.  “Well,” Outlaw regards the statue, dipping his head in a bow, “Pleasure to meet you, god.  Sorry, I don't know your name.  I’m Outlaw.”  Reaching into his bag outlaw grabs a wooden handle which turns out to grow wider in a circular shape.  On the board is a fancied-up lobster, along with some berries and a bit of honey in a small clay pot.  

“I don’t know anything about gods, what they like or dislike.  I figure I know about kids, and I know that parents just want their kids to be happy.” Outlaw puts the plate down near the statue for the tenrec's to deal with. “So, how about a story? Kids love them.  At least mortal ones do.  It’s a good story too.”

“So,” Outlaw looked to the pups and then up at the main figure, “a few years back a group of pups heard a story of a treasure that was in a cave.  Now this cave started off up on ground like most, but it was a wooden cave and it went  down deep under water.  The pups were brave and despite some ghost stories they heard of a pirate that haunted the cave they decided to prove themselves by going to find that treasure!”

“The kids explored the wooden cave, growing more nervous as they went.  When the wind blew outside it created an eerie howl that swept inside.  The wooden cave made creaking noises under their soft paws and shadows seemed to move with lives of their own!  One of the pups mentioned going back but the group assured her it was fine.”

“Then they saw it!  Just as they said it was fine.  The pirate ghost appeared to be made of shadow and threw a toothy smile at them.  ‘Want my treasure?’,”
Outlaw spoke with a gravely voice to play his part, “You must defeat me in battle!” The ghost laughed, as obviously no one, child or adult could defeat a shadow.

“Barak however was a clever pup, ‘Challenge us again, and we can get rid of you!.’  The boy grabbed a bit of flint he had seen and one of the funny-shaped things.  Barak cracked the flint on it and a spark came from it.  “Challenge us again and I’ll light this wooden cave on fire!  We want your treasure!”

“The shadow was silent at that.  It had no eyes but the pups all imagined its eyes were fully focused on Barak.  ‘Burn the cave and you won’t have my treasure,’ it replied

“Barak responded, ‘That’s true, neither will you though.’”  There was a silence in the cave and then the ghost fled.  They found gold left behind, well, snacks that were covered in a honey glaze.  They had never had honey before so it was an amazing treasure.  Barak was the hero of the day!  All the children went home, proud in the bravery they had shown.  The greatest treasure was at home though.  They went home to parents who welcomed them home, they got hugs and curled up to their parent's side knowing no one could hurt them so long as they were with mom and dad.”

Outlaw wagged his tail on finishing the story, “I hope you and any children that are with you liked it.” His gaze turned to the Tenrec’s, “hope yall liked it also!”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think

All of the older familiars shushed their many children as the story began. Although there was some chatter at first, eventually it died down as the story carried on. Mothers sat by their children, carefully smoothing back their fur or doting on them as they were enraptured by the story. The maternal figure of the statue seemed to smile as Outlaw’s story began to draw to a close - or was it just a trick of the light?

You receive:
Boosted companion pass
Staff: Used on Thorn
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby