
Under the Weather



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-26-2022, 01:04 AM

As Zee talked about where this intense pain she was feeling came from, Gwyn's brows knitted together with worry. She knew vaguely when Zee and Sirius had their pups just from when Artorias and Briar had gone to visit in order to meet the young Fatalis litter so she knew this was far too long after the birth to simply be experiencing any lingering pains just from that alone. She didn't say anything in that regard right away, instead going to get a couple of pillows from the nearby bed and gently slipping them under Zee's head. Moving her to the bed right now would probably just hurt her more than it was worth so she tried to just help her be comfortable where she was for now. "Stay here, I'm going to get a few medicines."

She trotted over to a grouping of shelves and cabinets that sat on one side of the room and started pulling out a few vials and jars, sniffling a couple to make sure she was pulling the right ingredients and combining a couple to get what she wanted. There was boneset for the fever, ginseng root for her immune system and energy, wintergreen for the pain, and—after a bit of thought—some juniper to start fighting against whatever infection she had a feeling might have set in after her birth. Everything was in some form of extract or paste and as she combined the doses she added in some water, making a chilled drink of sorts in a small bowl. There was a sinking dread in her stomach that it was even worse than that, but this would at least be enough to help with the symptoms and help her be comfortable.

It was just a couple of minutes before she returned with the edge of the bowl carried carefully in her teeth and she settled down on the floor beside Zee, bringing the bowl to the other woman's lips. "Drink this, it should help. Sorry if it's a bit tart or bitter—I don't have any honey on hand at the moment," she said apologetically. Usually she liked her medicines to be more palatable or even in the form of a tea if she had the time to warm the water, but this would have to do for now. Once Zee took the medicine, Gwyn sat the bowl to the side and moved to sit at her side and started to feel over her torso and abdomen with careful, gentle paws as she examined her. "Tell me more about your birth. How many pups did you have?" she asked, keeping an eye on Zee's face as she felt over her torso for any kind of immediate reactions or pains that might present themselves.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"