
Talking About Ouchie Bleedies




Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
10-26-2022, 02:05 AM

As soon as his father told him to meet him by the pool at the base of the falls when the sun was at the highest point in the sky, Dorian spent most of the morning checking the sky to make sure he wouldn't be one minute late! It felt like time went by so slowly because he was checking so often and it seemed like he wasn't making any progress, but then he ended up getting into a little play fight with a couple of his siblings which helped make the time go by faster. The only issue then was that he started to loose track of time and get distracted from what he was supposed to be doing. In his wrestling and giggling he just so happened to end up looking at the sky and when he saw how close the sun suddenly was to the very top point of the sky he gasped and scrambled back to his paws, abandoning his siblings' wrestling without explanation, running as fast as his short limbs would carry him on his clumsy paws.

When he skidded to a stop next to his father he was panting and had a few leaves and twigs stuck in his fur from the rolling around on the ground, but he was on time! He grinned up at his dad and gave himself a shake before he plopped down onto his haunches in front of him, noticing now the piece of bark that he had with him. It was something he had seen in the supplies his dad kept before so Dorian quickly picked up on what they were doing and it made his chest puff up with excitement. "Do I get to learn what this does?" he asked eagerly, his tail wagging behind him. All the stuff that his dad could do always seemed so interesting and challenging. He didn't know how he managed to remember what all the different plants he collected were or what they did, but he did and that was so cool!

"Dorian Kedieo"