
Under the Weather




7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-26-2022, 02:08 AM

Zee kept her eyes fixed upon the healer, worry bringing her brows to knit as the woman remained unreadable, just as most of her profession often were. Her head lifted to accept the offering of cool pillows, her forelegs tucking further against her chest so her paw pads could toe at the fabric too. Zee did everything she could to keep herself in control and contained and to prevent her past anxieties from rearing their heads once more, growing silent as Gwyn moved to collect the medicines and returned with them, her expression still giving nothing away. "Thank you." Zee murmured, lifting her head from the pillow just enough that she could reach the contents of the bowl with her tongue, finishing the offered mixture hurriedly and dropping her head back down with a groan. It did taste bitter, but more pressing was how the sudden liquid within her stomach sent her nausea higher.

She shut her eyes tight against the feeling, leaving them closed until the wave of nausea and dizziness had subsided. Gwyn was examining her now and she knew her only job was to answer questions and be still. She blew out a slow and stressed exhale as the paws gently palpated her abdomen, one side of her muzzle wrinkling in pain. "Seven." Zee replied, strained. "Most painful experience of my life. I blame their father." Her lip twitched in a sort of playful smile, but the expression could not last long. Sure the pups were many and massive, but it wasn't the first time or even the second that she'd birthed direwolves. It was however the first time she'd birthed three touched by deformity. "Although.. two of my daughters and a son, they are... different then the others. You may have seen the girls around the castle. Their eyes are encased in crystal. As is my son's ankle." She didn't want to ask the question aloud on whether or not her children did this to her, but Zee sought the kind healer's eyes regardless, her worried gaze fixed upon Gwyn's own in a silent question.


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.