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"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-26-2022, 04:29 AM

The words leave her mouth and Fern looks to Rudyard with an amused grin, waiting to see if he catches on. It is as if she sees the gears of his mind at work as her words filter in. At first they do not even registering with him. Then his brows slowly raise, their slow ascent seems to follow Rudyard rolling over each word carefully. Finally, the dreamy shine that the words had been shrouded in fades as reality sets in and his golden eyes open wide, his gaze moving to land on her.

Fern’s grin only grows with each passing second, unvoiced laughter hiding behind her dancing blue eyes. His eyes scan her, maybe to see if he can tell or maybe just because he is in such shock at the fact. The silence stretches on but the gray woman does not break it, instead allowing him to replay the words over and over until they finally take hold. His voice, tense from barely contained excitement finally breaks the air and the laugh that she had been holding in, bubbles out to fill the air around them.

Rudy speaks again and Fern can’t stop the stop laugh that continues, so she instead simply nods her head. Her mate’s mind seems to be flying as fast as his words and she holds up a paw to fend off any more questions so she can answer the already voiced ones. “First. Yes, Rudyard Carpathius, I am certain. We she makes sure to emphasis the word, “are going to parents. I have had an idea for several days but wanted to make certain before I told you. I’m fine Rudy. I have already started taking some herbs that help boost my immune system.”

Knowing that Rudyard will be overjoyed but also might try to rush her home, Fern adds, “We are fine, Rudy. Aside from a little nausea, nothing is off.” A huge, knowing smile appears as she leans toward him, reaching up to capture his lips with her own to silence any further questions he might have. Wrapping her front legs around his neck to pull him closer, Fern deepens the kiss as the joy and excitement she has been keeping bottled up finally is able to spill out.

Breaking the kiss, she moves to place her head under his chin and snuggle into his body. This experience is new and equal parts terrifying and exciting but she knows, with Rudyard by her side, they can conquer anything that comes their way. Softly, Fern says, “Congratulations, Rudy.” As she gently presses into his chest.

"Fern Carpathius" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.