
Soulless Forest Altar



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
10-26-2022, 04:49 PM

Kichi had enjoyed the food at the feast though he was never one much for crowds to enjoy all the many wolves at the party.  He hadn’t been rude but mostly stayed quiet and listened.  That let him hear some speak of different items given to different statues, and many of those were now here.  It seemed the familiars had preferences on what was given.  Kichi didn’t give a damn about anyone other than himself and a few others that could be counted on a paw.

A statue of some god of death though was entertaining.  So here he was, facing this statue of death.  The scenery was perfect.  Dried blood, and bones scattered around? Excellent.  Ethereal voices?  Hey, maybe Lurid would be one and it was words of suffering.  That’d be like a lullaby.  The silver wolf with his white markings had brought a simple bag he’d borrowed from another, placing it nearby, part of his gift sticking out, unable to fit well into the bag.  Kichi pulls out a skeleton of an alligator skull.  After that, the silver wolf pulls out the alligator's scaley hide, cleaned up if one had wanted to make armor or something else out of it.  For the end of it, Kichi pulled out a string of leather with a few alligator claws strung out on it.  The simple necklace was the best Kichi could manage.  Kichi killed for pleasure and not generally to make pretty trinkets.  Hey, he tried and at least in his mind, it looked cool.

Alligators were creature that Kichi would label even more dangerous than a bear.  Certainly, this one he’d found along the beach had been a hell of a fight.  He toyed with the idea of asking for a favor but if it wasn’t actually sentient or a god it wouldn’t matter and if it was he didn’t know its thoughts well enough.  He’d see if the statue or animals gave him any idea.  All he wanted was Lurid back from the dead so he could kill her, slowly.  Probably wouldn’t get that anyway but hey, it was one thing Kichi wanted a hell of a lot more than things in life could give him.  "Hope ya like it."



As the offering is first placed, it appears that nothing happens. The familiars remain solemn and silent and the only sound to touch your ears is the howl of a wind picking up and beginning to grow strong. With the new breeze comes a playful dancing of fog, it's thick and heavy weight being contorted into vague shapes as it is carried upon the wind. Soon the vague shape becomes something clearer, something long and slender with teeth like knives and a thick, scaled tail. The fog rolls in toward you, bringing toward you the shape of three crawling alligators, growing closer and closer and closer.

One suddenly leaps, cutting through the wind and crashing into and through your form painlessly. Where the fog touches your flesh it brings with it a chilling cold and also somehow.. a strange taste? Distinctively metallic in nature and familiar beyond the mere label of 'blood'... it's the blood itself that is known to you. It sings to your core and you recognize it instinctively as someone you once knew and were close to.

As you contemplate this and the alligators begin to disperse back into mist, you notice your offerings have vanished. In place of once was... is something else. It's use in combat is clear, not just from it's shape but from the fresh blood dripping off of it. Not only is it meant to follow you into battle, but it seems to have already cut someone for you ... and recently. Stranger yet, the dripping blood is followed by a strange ethereal gas that hisses softly and disappears as it hits the marble altar.

Before you go, something draws you to glance up and meet the stoney gaze upon each of the three-headed statue’s faces. A keen observer might notice a distinct change in the expression of each as they look upon the intricate carving, where each of the cerberus’ maws have appeared to curve up into the barest of smiles.

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