
Descensum Altar



4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-26-2022, 08:40 PM

Arne had never been a wise wolf, at the rate he was going, he'd be lucky to be an old one either. Arvid had butted his butt in this direction sounding, well, distressed or something, so the boy had gone in to check it out, until the warthog bit him and grunted and squealed until he got the message that he should bring a gift... was this a housewarming or something?

What sort of gift? He hadn't tried to bring anyone gifts in a long time, and the last time he had, well, he'd be screamed at and chased off... So the same thing would be perfect right? He spent some time snuffling through the desert. He was a great hunter after all, and what better way to show it than by bringing back a big sack of... dung beetles.

They clicked and buzzed about angrily in the scrap of discarded cloth that may or may not have been one of Celeste's silks... He didn't really think much about it when he snatched it up and skipped off into the desert. It had taken him all day and now his tongue was dry and sandy, stuck to the roof of his mouth. He'd almost forgotten why he'd gathered them all in the first place... Maybe Oki would like them in his bed? But another butt from Arvid bought him back and with a widening of his eyes and a happy little shake of his head, he skipped back in the direction of the weird new statue.

Well, if nothing else, he was sure the magpies and ferrets would appreciate someone bringing them dinner. With an attempt at a flourish and a bow that came across closer as some sort of fit, he unceremoniously deposited the now stained and slobbered on silk at the foot of the statue, a small flood of dung beetles scattering now their confines had been loosened. He held his smile, a little more forced than usual... and with another tip of his head, rapidly turned tail and skittered away.


running around like a clown on purpose


You had turned to try to escape the consequences of your actions, but found yourself frozen in place. The light rapidly fades around you until you can see nothing but darkness. The tiny scuttling sounds of the dung beetles you'd spilled onto the altar suddenly seemed louder. Were there more of them? Or... it sounded like they were getting BIGGER? Uh oh, this couldn't be good...

You find yourself suddenly scooped into the air, held up by dung beetles as big as dire wolves - and with mandibles to match. You brace yourself to be eaten for your prank.

But instead find yourself crowdsurfing over the wave of giant dung beetles. They chant your name in weird chittering voices over and over. You're a celebrity! They love you, they really really love you!

The beetles return you to your feet in front of the altar, now wreathed in a rainbow of lights. "A man after my own heart," a youthful voice chuckles. "No one appreciates you nearly as much as you deserve. Here, take these." One beetle drops a pouch on a string over your neck. Another tenderly tucks a rose behind your ear. "Never stop being yourself, Arne," the voice says. The light emanating from the statue flashes so brightly you flinch...

When you blink the afterimages of light from your eyes, you find yourself standing in front of the perfectly ordinary statue, with perfectly ordinary dung beetles skittering around on top of the other offerings, and perfectly ordinary familiars lounging around as though nothing had happened. You'd have sworn that it was just some weird, weird dream except for the pouch around your neck, and the rose behind your ear.

You have received:

Post Acceptance Dire Wolf Pass
A rose?
[Image: Arne-Chibi1.png]