
Samhain Nature Walk - Submission Thread



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
10-26-2022, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2022, 11:15 PM by Shelby. Edited 3 times in total.)
Player Name: Shelby
Character Name: Rusalka
Link to Thread <a href="">Here</a>

<div style="max-width:600px;margin:auto auto;"><span class=warning>NPC: </span>

Wasn't that an enjoyable experience? A peaceful walk through the knolls under the watchful supervision of the familiars intent on keeping the trail a safe route for all. You come out from the nature walk feeling rejuvenated and calm.. up until the moment something large and black was thunked down from a high up tree branch onto the top of your head. Ouch!

Craning your head back you can see the deranged cackle of a fat chipmunk, so far into his laughter that he nearly falls from the slender branch. What was that for??? A quick glance down at your paws to the weaponized item in question reveals a strange sight - a dismembered paw of a black cat that seems to absorb the light around it. It's claws unsheathed and dripping with something tarry and black, hope it didn't get on your coat!

You have received:

Black Cat's Foot

<span class=warning>Staff: note when claimed </span></div>

Player Name: Shelby
Character Name: Gwynevere
Link to Thread <a href="">Here</a>

<div style="max-width:600px;margin:auto auto;"><span class=warning>NPC: </span>

Wasn't that an enjoyable experience? A peaceful walk through the knolls under the watchful supervision of the familiars intent on keeping the trail a safe route for all. You come out from the nature walk feeling rejuvenated and calm, when suddenly a sharp pain sears through your pawpad - you've stepped on something that was hidden in the dried leaves. Maybe that's why the crows were shaking more foliage down...

Brushing away the leaves, an odd pool of thick black liquid is revealed. At the base of the tar-like substance is a cat's paw. It looks intentionally placed, the paw turned over so the unsheathed claws reach high toward the sky. At closer inspection, the claw-tips themselves seem to be the source of the thick black tar. How odd, hope the cut didn't break skin!

You have received:

Black Cat's Foot

<span class=warning>Staff: note when claimed </span></div>

Player Name: Shelby
Character Name: Remus
Link to Thread <a href="">Here</a>

<div style="max-width:600px;margin:auto auto;"><span class=warning>NPC: </span>

Wasn't that an enjoyable experience? A peaceful walk through the knolls under the watchful supervision of the familiars intent on keeping the trail a safe route for all. You come out from the nature walk feeling rejuvenated and calm.. perhaps too calm, as you seem to have missed the presence of pinecones on the trail! You step directly upon one and it rolls beneath your paw, relieving you of your balance and footing and bringing you to fall on your rear. Ouch!! That's going to hurt tomorrow.

You have received:

Sprained Tail (Heals January 1st)</div>

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1. Samhain Nature Walk - Submission Thread Updates/Events Archive 04:16 PM, 10-24-2022 09:37 AM, 07-02-2024