
No Big Deal or Anything




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-26-2022, 10:18 PM
When he walked away from Abaven he certainly never thought he would step foot in Boreas again, but that had become abundantly true after the tragic events that resulted in his death. Beyond the one encounter with his son within the land of the dead, he had been in some sort of timeless state up until he suddenly found himself at a table surrounded by other wolves, ushered to a feast. He didn't understand where he was or what he was participating in, but with nothing to loose he ate and drank his fill, tasting and enjoying the food for the first time in what he assumed was a very long time. When the meal was over he half expected the ever present fog to roll back in, but it didn't. He looked around as everything else faded away and he suddenly realized he was back in Boreas, walking the lands that he had once lived in and known so well.

He drifted for a bit, first going to where Abaven had once stood and found a pack he didn't recognize in its place. It was there that he realized that even though he was walking past other wolves that were going about their lives, they couldn't see or hear him. He was here, but not really. He was tired, whatever was tethering him here was weak, but yet he still stood, feeling the passing of time again. He didn't know how long this would last or how far he would be able to go, but if he was only going to be here for a limited time then his only interest was in trying to find his children. Something drew him to Auster, wondering if perhaps in the disbanding of Abaven they might gravitate toward their mother's former home. He made his way to the castle that he had stayed in once, drifting through this world silently and unseen until he eventually found Balthier's scent. Following it he stopped at a door and listened before eventually stepping through it.

Allegro found himself standing across the room from his son, a concerned expression pulling across his face as he saw the state Balthier was in. Alone, surrounded by bottles, the smell of alcohol heavy in the room. "Balthier..." he said softly to no one, knowing he wouldn't be heard. For a few moments he stood there at a loss, looking around for anything that might reassure him that this was simply a one off, a bad night that he happened to find his son in. What also concerned him was the fact that there was no sign or hint of Azzurra's scent anywhere. His son and daughter had always been inseparable and the only reason he had felt like he could leave in the first place was the thought that Balthier would make sure she was cared for. His stomach twisted with worry, wondering to himself what had come of his chronically ill daughter. His ears folded back with frustration and he padded toward one of the empty bottles that was on the floor. He focused on it hard, his first attempts to touch it failing, but with a grunt of effort he finally was able to hit the bottle hard with his paw, throwing it across the room and causing it to go toppling end over end a couple of times over the floor. It eventually hit the wall, part of it breaking off before landing back on the floor again with a shattering clink.

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