
What happens behind closed doors




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-26-2022, 11:47 PM

She didn't have to lie. He knew. Iki could tell by the look in Alastor's obsidian eyes that he knew. It didn't take a genius either way. There weren't many who would have had such access to her. Had it been an outsider, surely she would have raised the alarm. No... all paws pointed to Deimos. Even now, after what he'd done, Ikigai would try to protect the man. They were a pair betrothed and his standing in the pack reflected upon her just as her standing reflected upon him. It couldn't be known that he'd raped her just as it couldn't be known that she'd been raped. And so she had sought to keep it a secret, but alas...

A strong paw grasped the woman's chin and Ikigai didn't stop it. She raised her mercuric gaze to meet Alastor's, watching his expression as he inspected her wounds. Her lower lip was swollen and the split from her tooth was rather obvious. The hulking brutes soft words brought a pang of pain to Ikigai's chest. He pointed out her position, her ties, her importance. He then pointed out that there would be repercussions for the action taken against her. That... frightened her. Ikigai's brows drew together and she gave her head a light shake. "Please, Alastor..." she began softly, " anything you might do would only make it worse for me." Of that, she was certain. She'd seen firsthand what a knock to Deimos' pride did to him. Being confronted about this altercation would put it in his head that she'd begged for aid against him.

Before she could say anything more, the giant man was pulling her against his chest. A soft gasp pulled from the fae's parted lips and she stiffened for but a moment. Had her own father ever embraced her as warmly? Not that she could remember. Alastor's soft voice met lynx-tipped ears and a gentle sigh drifted from the woman before she softened and leaned into the embrace. He offered to keep quiet on the matter and she nodded, her silken cheek sliding along the thick fur of his chest. "Please. I don't want to jeopardize what I've fought for. I will gladly make any sacrifice for both Ashen and Elysium."

Ikigai would remain settled against the black brutes chest, taking comfort in his size and strength, his fatherly nature. "I'm confident that I can handle the situation," she assured him. She would have to be wary around Deimos and never let her guard down, but Iki was fairly certain that she could stop another incident from happening.

"Thank you, by the way," She whispered softly. "Your children are truly lucky to have you, Alastor." Appreciation dripped from the woman's dulcet tones. Though born a princess, she had rarely been shown such kindness and never from one outside of her family, save Kotori.


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]