
Just Like Home




Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
10-27-2022, 10:27 AM
Ash was comfortable with just Art being here with her so when the familiar creatures insisted he keep his sword out of their walkway she wasn't worried about it. She felt a lot better once she left the castle gates, it was just getting past them. Beyond what the statues meant, the familiars, and the changes of the land was nothing to worry for her. She was in a corner of the world that wasn't affected by the long night or at least the huge effects of it. She remembered the drawn out night, but there was no sickness or demonic fireflies or anything of that sort. One of the lucky ones when it came to that she supposed.

She blushed just a little as Art had said he was proud of her, she had known but there was always something that made it better to hear, from any of them not just Artorias. That gentle smile shifted just a bit as he continued on though. She stopped to turn towards him, feeling that twinge of hurt from the things he had been through. Overall, the things they had been through. She had missed this catastrophic event their lives but she still could feel the loss of their mother as if she was here that day. "Art..." She reached forward to wrap her arms around him through a sororal hug, squeezing just gently before backing up to look at him again, "We're all together now. That's what matters." A paw placed up on her chest as she looked down at the scars that seemed to be a remembrance of Resin, "And I know she's here too." She didn't know the story behind Resin, she never asked. Honestly, she wasn't sure if she wanted to. Resin was in bad conditions the last time Ash had been in the castle. And it was hard for all of them to see her that way. In a way she did believe she was at peace now, just as Art had hoped. Without knowing the extent and the details.

"Come on." She spoke gently with a turn of maybe a fake smile to keep moving down along the manicured path of the walk. She looked up at the slightly clouded sky of the plains though she couldn't tell if it was an autumn sky or the winter beyond. The castle and plains were given this break from the snowy winter of Auster, the grove hadn't though. Ash wouldn't know herself, she hadn't been. She did know that whatever was happening wasn't quite right but she didn't jump to any harsh conclusions. She was one that couldn't be too careful, but she didn't want to be weighed down by this constant worry. "It isn't the sky in the spring that I remember." The only time she was able to experience The Starlit Plains by it's name, "It's still beautiful though."

"Ashelia Carpathius"