
Soulless Forest Altar



Advanced Fighter (81)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

4 Years

Ooh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipCritical Attack!All Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
10-27-2022, 04:18 PM
The only reason he'd come back to this altar was because he knew how to get here, something that was becoming increasingly difficult for him with his deteriorating sight. Lately it had gotten considerably worse, but he was still managing to get around as best as he could. He was well-aware that the familiars hadn't been overly pleased with his decoration last time so this time he'd decided to go a safer route. His choice was boring but he figured it was better than nothing, and he simply didn't have it in him to think up anything more creative. Surely the other wolves that were filtering away from the statue had left something much more interesting, but all he had was a very plain but sturdy-looking rock.

He meant to simply approach the altar and set it down there, but just as he approached he found his paw snagging on something, a mess of tangled moss and vines that sprouted out of seemingly nowhere - and he tripped hard. Just as was his luck, the rock flung from between his jaws and went flying forward, straight for the statue's base. Judging by the loud noise it made when it hit it, he could only guess it may have damaged it but he wasn't sure. Well, fuck. So much for the safe route. Wincing, he paused for a long moment before deciding to back away, counting this one as a loss he doubted he could recover from.


The silence is broken suddenly by the hard echo of stone on stone and a chorus of gaps ring out from a few of the less disciplined familiars. They all turn to watch the faintly glowing wolf as he winces and begins to turn back.

You are not given the opportunity to go far, your blurred vision suddenly overtaken by an infinite blackness. The fireflies have returned to their swarm, clustering together in a thick and loudly buzzing bubble around your head and neck. Tighter and tighter they begin to constrict and as the space for them to fly grows smaller, some seek out alternative pockets of air.  

Into your nose, your ears, your mouth, and beneath your damaged eyes the bugs begin to slide, their bodies dry and wriggling as they work their way past each other and into you, all converging in a single location deep in your skull.

The seizure that is induced is both punitive and relieving, as the uncontrollable tremor is just chaotic enough to drive the swarm away from your precious head. They disperse with a buzz that sounds almost like a chuckle, circling your seizing form thrice before retreating to return to their homes within the stone statue’s skeletal eye sockets.

As your convulsing subsides, one firefly works his way out from your nose - wet and looking a little droopy - and begins a dizzy spiral back toward his statue. However unpleasant the experience, you get the feeling that this will not be the last... As somewhere still inside your skull, you still can swear you feel the pitter patter of tiny feet and the flap of two small wings.

You have received:

Veigar will experience the occasional seizure (ending with another firefly departure) for the next two weeks.

Staff: note when claimed

Veigar is completely blind; his eyes are a hazy shade of pale yellow, though he tries his best to hide this fact.
His saliva also glows a faint shade of neon green since the Ooze event.

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1. Soulless Forest Altar Soulless Forest 08:21 PM, 10-16-2022 10:49 AM, 10-26-2023