
Straw Wolf Crafting - Submission Thread



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Artist - RainbowRapid Poster - Rainbow
10-27-2022, 07:52 PM
Player Name: Chrono
Character Name: Fiametta
Link to Thread <a href="">Here</a>

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Familiars are wandering through the Steppe, gathering up straw wolves when they are done. One approaches you and graciously accepts your wolf creation. They seem to observe the lupine shape with a critical eye and then they turn their gaze on you, noting the obvious color choice, and just give a slow nod and a click of their tongue. You get the distinct feeling they don't like it. You suppress your annoyance with this reaction with practiced ease. Then watch as it picks up the straw wolf and with no care throws it at the bonfire. It'd almost be impressive the distance their throw covers if you weren't annoyed. You find that your gaze can't help but follow the arc of your crafted wolf as it lands gracelessly in the flames, the feathers catching immediately and you can't seem you tear your eyes away as it burns bright, brighter somehow than the rest of the flames, it hurts your eyes but you can't look away. A cloudy plume of smoke rises from the fire and seems to beeline it for you. You cough and hack, trying to expel the smoke from your lungs, it tastes like death and smells like blood. When you catch your breath your head is pounding and you see auras around everything and everyone, reminiscent of the way your wolf burned. Probably a good thing home is so close, your skull feels like it is splitting.

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