
Hallucination Caves Altar



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-27-2022, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2023, 03:27 PM by Nyx. Edited 3 times in total.)

Things had been tense, awkward. Ikigai threw herself into her work, trying to spend as much time out of Deimos' presence as possible. She couldn't avoid him forever though. When he approached and asked her to take a trip to an alter for the gods, the woman had been a little confused and more than a little anxious. She hadn't been aware that he believed in gods. However, she did. Hearing that messengers had been contacting the mortal realm intrigued the pale fae and so, she eventually agreed to accompany Deimos.

They left Elysium, just the two of them, both bearing packs with the gifts that they planned to offer. She didn't know what Deimos would offer, but she'd put quite a bit of thought into her own offering. It needed to be something that was important to her. Or something that had been important to her. Aside from that, she would give a traditional offering to the spirits.

Approaching the statue, Ikigai looked upon it, marveling at the intricacy of the sculpture. Deimos went about making his offering first and while he did so, Ikigai shrugged out of the pack that had been settled across her shoulders. Seating herself on her haunches, the woman rubbed the pads of her dexterous paws together and whispered a soft prayer in her father's tongue. She prayed that the spirit before her would receive belief from many worshippers. Then she went about making her offering.

Opening the pack, Ikigai removed a golden dish which she filled with rich goats milk. She also placed a small loaf of hearty bread next to it. Beside this, she placed a smaller dish which was filled with sand from Ashen's pale beaches. Into this sand she placed a stick of sweet smelling incense which she lit. A traditional offering. The real offering came after.

Out of the pack, Ikigai pulled a silken kimono of the highest quality. A rich purple covered in pale lavender flowers. She folded the garment and lay it beside the statue. On top of the kimono she placed a silver headdress encrusted with amethysts and diamonds. Two of the lavish and priceless items that she owned. A piece of her past offered to the gods. Once the offerings were laid out, Ikigai stepped back, rubbed her paws together once more, whispered another soft prayer, then backed away from the statue with her eyes downcast.



The ink-blotched woman offers food and incense, prayers and some lavish goods from her past. They are quite pretty, and it is appreciated. She gives another prayer and steps back. "Next time, stay a while and enjoy the offerings with me," a voice says, if only because it is sad to enjoy good food alone.

As you leave, you feel your pack shift, and later find an item inside.

You have received:

Xtra Shrink Potion

Used for Prezzies for players 2022 - nyx
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]