
be careful where you step...

rexx / nature walk prompt



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
10-28-2022, 04:23 PM

Rexx had been starkly observing the changes around them, noting the sudden vivid change to autumn thought he could've sworn they'd just had it. This season had a different feel to it though - not the peaceful, cinnamon-scented, spice-aroma, cheerful jaunt in the fallen leaves type of fall. Not really, anyways. Whispers floating past his ear like lazy bees, and he could barely catch the words floating by before they disappeared into the rolling streams of fog that clouded their sights. He could see Scald in front of him, and he was behind, offering a reassuring smile each time his brother glanced back. He, too, was playing the part of a brave, courageous adventurer - equal parts curious and impulsive, yet also a bit apprehensive. The dried blood and violently shredded carcasses in their path barely fazed him, but their frequency made him knit his brow slightly in concern. Was there some kind of monster tearing the animals apart..? He shook away the thoughts like the whispers that tickled his ears, feeling Ajax's bouncy presence behind him. It felt reassuring, as well, that their vibrant and ever-jovial friend had accompanied them.

Scald stopped at the maw of the crypt they'd come across, the thick whispy fog just giving way to reveal a dark, cavernous entrance. The quilled boy mentioned whispers told him to go inside, encouraging him. Rexx tilted his head as if to briefly consider their options - was it really a good idea to enter a dark, unfamiliar hole based on the guidance of mere whispers? But with Ajax's confident prompting, Rexx shrugged away the concerns. So what? What's the worst that could happen? They were pirates ,after all! Nothing spooked them, not even a dark, spooky crypt. Or thick mists. Or the metallic stench of blood hanging in the air. A smile burst forth on his tusked maw as he glanced at the two.

"I don't hear anything either, but there's no harm in taking a peek!" He added, his tone confident and smooth despite the doubt that crept up in his chest. As Scald and Ajax began venturing in, Rexx did, too, slowly merging into the oblivion of shadows.