
God's Garden Altar



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
10-28-2022, 06:24 PM

What would she bring to the gods?  For someone who was always so focused on the needs of others, Halo wasn't really sure what to do about immortal forces beyond her control, that didn't really need anything... only devotion.  Still, the pale healer needed to bring an offering.  A gift.  Something for the figure of the mother that had appeared within the God's Garden-- how fitting.  Her heart ached as she approached, for once entirely alone.  The healer carried a small basket, held loosely in her jaws, and moved as quietly as possible upon her approach.  This was a sacred place, and Halo didn't want to disturb it.  

"Good to see you too," Halo spoke softly to the tenrec, her tail swishing lightly behind her.  Their words leave the pale woman nodding gently, her eyes wide.  Carefully chosen as ever, but the words were... unsettling, at best.  She had to be sure that what she had chosen was more than fine, right?  With all the confidence that Halo could muster, she approached the statue and set her offering down.  There was warmth here, a warmth so sweet that her heart ached with it.  

Her offering rested at the feet of the statue, tucked carefully inside a small basket.  A short, squat jar filled with honey from Halo's carefully maintained bees.  It had been infused with lavender, a plant for calming, and the one that Halo herself was most fond of.  Sachets of seeds from her garden were placed carefully beside it: lavender, cannabis, trillium, valerian.  Herbs for calming, herbs for easing pain.  Softly she reached up, pressing her muzzle to the statue's cheek.  "Thank you," she breathed.  They were the only words that would come to her, and the pale healer was swept with emotion as she stepped away.  

The tenrec greets the pale woman as she approaches with her offering. She gave honey and fine herbs in a basket. Some of the familiars dipped into the basket, chittering at one another as they did. The woman thanked the statue and just before she stepped away, the tenrec gives her a small gift with a meaningful look in its eyes as it does.

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