
look like you are having fun




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
10-28-2022, 08:20 PM

Incubus wasn’t normally the type to participate in such childish games but there was an obsessive tick in his brain drawing him to do everything these familiars had to offer. Perhaps it was a way to make up for lost time. An attempt at being a part of the community in some way without shoving himself at packs, building a straw Wolf sounded heaps better.

Pink and blue eyes scanned the area as he silently moved his way to an opens spot. The name did his best to stay out of anyones way as he slinked by but he did eye the other participants up a bit. There was a healthy mix of pups and adults which made him feel a bit better about entering into the activity in the first place. As he reached his spot Incubus dropped a decently preserved Coyote skin that he had been lugging around in his jaws. It was from the Coyote he killed not too long ago after being ambushed in the middle of a nap. The pelt was the normal mix of sandy tones as well as some deeper browns, nothing special by any means. But, he thought to decorate the straw Wolf with it in some way. Some of the scraggly ends could be torn off and used as leg cuffs while the bulk of it could be laid over it’s back. But first he needed to construct it.

Incubus slinked his way towards the piles of straw. the beast took a moment to appraise the various materials provided to help the construction. For the moment he decided to just grab a big heap of straw and carried it back to his spot, it was only a short distance so he made a few more trips until he had enough to start with. Incubus stared at the straw for about a whole minute before getting to work. He decided to just start bunching up the straw to form it’s body. Inky paws moved to push straw to form his base. The Wolf was to be in the prone position so in the beginning he aimed for a long rectangular form.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]