
No Big Deal or Anything




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-28-2022, 06:52 PM
Being here in this room and yet also not here at the same time was infuriating. He couldn't ask his son what had happened, he couldn't check on him or see what had led him here, he couldn't find out where his other children were or how they were doing. He was stuck simply seeing Balthier hurting himself with what seemed like an over abundance of alcohol and there was little he could do. He didn't really know what he hoped to accomplish when he threw the bottle, but he just had this desperate need to make his presence known and maybe have some kind of impact to shake Balthier out of whatever this state was. It didn't seem like the bottle hitting the wall and breaking was enough to do that though since he watched Balthier look at the now broken glass, get up, and walk over it to go over to the near by window. He watched Balthier with disbelief, frowning with a frustrated huff.

"Damn it, Balthier..." he grumbled to himself, his ears flicking with worry. He didn't know how much time he had left or what else he could do while he was here, but if he had thrown something once maybe he could do it again. Walking over to another empty wine he had an easier time this time getting his paw to connect with the surface of it and this time he scooped up the bottle to fling it across the room. The bottle hit the wall next to the window that Balthier was look it out of and Allegro watched it crack and shatter as it fell to the floor. "Come on, Balthier, figure it out. Pull yourself together," he muttered even though he knew he wouldn't be heard. Part of him knew he was fighting a loosing battle, but for as long as he was here he had to try.

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