
Just Like Home




Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
10-29-2022, 11:00 AM
It was harder to clearly see all of the fall covered plains with the dark night, but the fireflies seemed to give the land this sort of glow as they walked on. Asheila too gazed from one little thing to the next. The fallen leaves caught on the breeze, the red and yellow trees in the near distance, the musky sweet smell that flowed between them. The statue just south of them seemed to give them a flourishing season with ripe berries and lush grasses, but still living in a fall atmosphere. It was strange at the worst. She couldn't know of the other more drearing statues and lands surrounding them. It all seemed like a blessing from her side.

She turned her head just slightly as she glanced up at him through their walk. Not a harsh expression, but there was a little hint of sorrow in her voice when she commented back, "I'd never seen the plains in the summer." Asheila had been quite the wandering soul in their youth, and observing all their surroundings. She was one of the wonderous ones. It's what led her out of the pack so often, and eventually what brought on her the years that followed. She was quick to learn that lesson of course after it was too late. She hated what she missed in that time, but hate wasn't really in a part of her heart. She never saw what the summer could offer Auster, she missed so many events in her family's lives. She was just thankful for being here for the birth of Artorias' children. And that's all she could do now, is be thankful for having the chance to move on and have a normal life. Just like Artorias she wondered what life could have been like had she not gone so far away from home. She regretted it, but she wanted to forget. A life of always wishing, regretting, a life of revenge, she didn't want any of it.

She smiled a bit as he brought up the falls of The Hallows back in Auster, which was a much more friendly memory maybe not surprisingly but The Hallows had grown into it's roots here at the castle. It was hard to remember much else but not for Ash. Maybe not for any of her family. "Yeah, I remember the falls." Her eyes moved across the grasses in front of her that showed the wide variety of colored leaves in their path, "You'd think the colors of the falls at sunset would have blended in with the leaves. But they stuck out like their own unique things. Especially when the stone changed to that blueish purple color before night." It wasn't a thought she had thought of at all really, but a memory she was happy Artorias could pull up from the back of her mind.

"Ashelia Carpathius"