
Straw Wolf Crafting - Submission Thread


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
10-29-2022, 02:13 PM
Player Name: Seadragoness
Character Name: Mercury
Link to Thread <a href="">Here</a>

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Familiars are wandering through the Steppe, gathering up straw wolves when they are done. One approaches you and graciously accepts your wolf... Or would but the figure the two of you worked together on is a little too big for the rat, who looks up at the both of you and asks if you wouldn't mind bringing it over to the pile for now. You look at your companion and the two of you awkwardly try and maneuver the straw wolf. Its running form, it turns out, makes it a little harder to move easily. You mostly end up with a lot of tail leaves in your face and you can only hear as Anthea takes a sharp breath in, but she doesn't appear to stop so you decide that at least for now you're going to focus on getting this straw wolf moved other and then you can make sure she's okay. You're forced to move backward as you both move the lupine figure, and more than once you trip over your own paws, you feel about as graceful as a rampaging bear, who's also drunk. You try not to think too hard about how silly you must look and just focus on getting your straw wolf added to the pile.

You have received:
Loss of 15 Fighting skill points

<span class=warning>Note:</span> Due to no longer having enough skill points for master Mercury has lost his fighting specialty, however he may get it reapplied once he has enough skill points for master without having to buy a new unlock.

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