
The hero's won. what comes after?



Intermediate Fighter (51)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-29-2022, 03:54 PM

Corbin can only say so much to reassure his sister, especially right now.  He just keeps close to her and hopes being there is enough for her.  The ear hurt, and his head smarted also though it wasn’t damaged any more than probably a bruise hidden under the thin fur from where the crow had pecked it.  Really, the injuries were hardly major except to a pup who had never been truly hurt before aside from puppy tussles or falling from higher-up rocks.

Corbin noticed mom’s intensity and anger as his mind twisted about wondering how she was going to feel about things.  Corbin hadn’t imagined they did anything wrong, and couldn’t come up with any reason what they had done was bad but mom was angry and the thought just now occurred.  Still, as they got close it was evident she wasn’t looking at them with anger but at the surrounding territory.

Mom howled for dad before licking Corbin’s ear.  Mom licked it and didn’t make a big deal of the injury itself so that must mean it would be alright.  “It was a stupid crow.” The boy put his own sudden bit of anger in the last words of ‘crow’.  “It was going to try and hurt Haydee! I showed it good, I bit its wing!”  Fear and pain were momentarily forgotten to share his little victory of defeating a bird. “I chased it away.” His eyes shifted to his sister, “Haydee got it, we uh, stole it from the crow.”  Alright, so maybe the crow had a little reason to be upset.  Hey, it was just a dumb crow and they were wolves so it was their right, right?  

Corbin let mom pull him in, happier or it than he planned to admit.  Now he could lean his head up against mom big leg and it wasn’t like he ran to her for hugs to feel better.  His gaze flicked to Haydee, making sure she felt better also.

[Image: PllexzO.png]