
Hallucination Caves Altar



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (250)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-29-2022, 03:58 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2022, 03:58 PM by Kitsune. Edited 4 times in total.)
Kitsune approached this like a diplomatic puzzle. These companions and statues were something to be respected, and treated very carefully. She was only a pup the last time strange events like these had come around. Now, she was grown and didn’t jump at shadows quite so easily. She was armed with a little more experience, and what she hoped would be the right tools for the job.

She remembered… the unfortunate occurrences of the long night and cringed as she remembered the issues with her stomach and the unmentionable events that had followed. She was determined not to make any mistakes this time around. No eating strange substances, no pissing off strange gods. With that in mind, she had taken out a treasure that she had received from the firefly man. A gift, from one god to another. It was her prized possession, and one she had been too afraid of wasting to ever use. What better time than now?

She lifted the jar carefully when she arrived at the statue, looking at the strange illusionary stone and taking a soft breath before approaching. She knelt before the strange purple base and placed the jar carefully there. “This was gifted to me by a creature as strange and wonderful as you. I hope it brings you luck in a time you need it” she said politely, before stepping back

Kitsune is Gifting: Firefly’s favour



This horned wolf gives the statue another firefly. She likes that. Much like the first firefly, which still bumbles within the glass stage, this firefly is freed and phases into the glass. The two dance, their light brightening and causing beautiful flickering all among the cave.

"He is, in fact, a strange and wonderful creature," the statue says into your mind.

As you step back, your foot hits an object.

"Take it, it's for you."

You have received:

Grow Potion

Staff: note when claimed

Something Strange Happens:

That night, you dream of the cloaked firefly man and the statue. They're discussing something, but you cant hear what. Regardless, you feel like you were privy to something other wolves might not have seen.

You gain 67 skill points of your choice.

Staff: note when claimed