
Twos company, peeping spirits a crowd



The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
10-29-2022, 05:42 PM

Of any reaction Thorn could have expected of his question the boy hadn’t expected to hear her talk about screaming and fall to her knees.  Thorn glanced up to the sun curiously then back at Ky wondering how the sun could be that bad for anyone.  It was obvious it upset her so he wouldn’t ask about her taking it off again but one thing did intrigue her comment.

“Well, sorry then.” Irritation a how he should of known any of it but then he brushed it away to the part that made him curious, “are you sure though?  I mean not about it hurting, I got that and it sucks.  How do you know if it compares to being stung by a hundred bees?  You ever been stung that many times before?  Upset a bee nest?  I hear there are a whole lot of bees in them and that the stings hurt.” How else would she know to compare?  If so hundred bees stinging you could make you drop to your knees and scream.  They were such tiny things though!

The subject turned to hibernation, Thorn soaking in this new information.  “That sounds really boring.  So many things to do outside.  Too much to miss out if you sleep a whole season.” Thorn glanced around at all there was to see that the other wolf was missing out on.  “Well, there are leaves out here.  Um, wait, stop for a second.”  While she waited Thorn ran ahead a bit to grab about eight leaves in his mouth and raced back to her.

Thorn set the leaves in a tiny pile, then stood just a stride in front of them, “Ok, now come straight to me. its basically a whole lot of grass out here, far as you can see.  Sky is blue but today, two tiny clouds. The leaves are orange and red shades.  Um, there are a few bees about, and little white butterflies, some  yellow and orange ones also.”  The boy did his best to describe what he could see even as he decided to try and help her feel what a tiny pile of leaves was like.

"Thorn Carpathius"