
Can You Feel It Too?


10-15-2013, 06:26 AM

The morning air was crisp and clear and...cold! A sneeze erupted from the brutes nostrils as he emerged into the weak sunlight, reluctantly leaving the comfort of his den. He had sought this very den out upon arriving to Seracia, it was the closest one he could find closest to Aeil's that was unoccupied. He felt shy and sheepish about asking or even mentioning about sharing a den with her. Though they had met some time ago, he found himself unable to tell her how he felt since the day they met...though many days of contemplation and thought would find its way into his mind, as the more time he spent with her the stronger these feelings grew. He began to dream of her, each dream waking him with a pounding heart and tingly paws to accompany the fluttery feeling in his stomach. Every day that he saw her, he wanted to be closer and closer. He knew he had to tell her sooner or later...why not today?

With a deep breath, he took the first step into the brillian cool snow. Some of his packmates seemed to have already gone about their morning, while others could be heard snoring softly within their dens. The pups it seemed, were playing in the snow in front of their dens, and Dragon would chuckle as a couple of them ran under his large paws as they gave chase to one another. With a warm smile, he would make his way towards the lady's den and took a deep breath to calm himself. He thought about how to approach her today, and seeing as how it was still fairly early, maybe she would enjoy a surprise. Exhaling the nervous breath he had taken, he stepped silently into her den, his shoulders brushing the top of it as he lowered his head to avoid hitting the ceiling. He smiled softly as he saw her sleeping form within the dimly lit darkness, and so with careful steps he approached the sleeping maiden. Once he was in front of her, he settled himself onto his belly and curled his tail around his haunches as he brushed his muzzle as gently as he could against hers. His red gaze softened as he took in her beauty, and his chest would pound like a mad rabbit as he waited for her response to wake. "Good Morning, Aeil." A soft whisper would come from his lips to rest within her ear fur, that single short sentence full of adoration and something more...
