
God's Garden Altar


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (248)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
10-30-2022, 03:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2022, 07:06 PM by Nyx. Edited 3 times in total.)
Why did this specific altar have to appear in Auster, of all places? Once she'd caught wind of a statue resembling a mother with two pups, Widow knew where she needed to go. Auster, unfortunately. The young woman was so heavily pregnant that the journey wasn't safe but she believed, truly believed, that it could be worth it. She was about to be a mother, after all. It only made sense to visit this one, though she wondered if visiting an alter aside from the one in the Soulless Forest would come back to haunt her later.

Fortunately for her, a traveler was willing to give her a ride in a cart to the southern most point of Boreas. Once she had paid the kind wolf for their favor, Widow had set off towards Auster but not without emptying the contents of her stomach first. The cart may have been a godsend for her tired and aching feet, but it didn't come without a different sacrifice. Repeating the directions to the garden that the friendly stranger gave her in her head, she didn't know exactly where this garden was, but at least she knew it wasn't clear across the island. In fact, it should be pretty close.

As she waddled along, her legs stiff and sore from both the extra weight as well as the cart ride, it took her some time to come across the garden. Careful to avoid the borders of the nearby pack, she finally found the stone-walled garden and the altar she'd been looking for. She felt the most nauseous suddenly, though having already emptied her stomach there wasn't anything left to heave. Instead, she swallowed the feeling in her throat and focused her mind on the altar instead of the twisting and turning inside.

Widow smiled down at the companions as she approached, the satchel on her hip promising of an offering as it bounced with each heavy, pained step. Where these statues Gods? Deities? Saints? ... Demons? Widow hardly cared if she were being honest. This altar was a mother with living children, that was enough for her!

First, the young woman bowed at the foot of the altar. Tears welled behind closed lids, wishing this stone-mother could answer all the questions she had for her own mother. Lost without guidance, Widow was forced into braving this alone. Maybe she wouldn't have to anymore. Sniffling, Widow rose slightly from her bow enough to reach into her satchel and pull out a small dagger and stone bowl. She sat the stone bowl down between her and the altar, then with the hilt held between the dexterous toes of one paw, she brought the blade to the wrist of her opposite paw and cut a thin line, enough to bleed but without damage enough damage to render the paw useless for the trip home. Reaching the bleeding wrist out, she allowed the red liquid to drip into the bowl until there was enough to fill the bottom.

Without caring for her bleeding wrist, Widow reached back into her satchel to pull out a small collection of Salvia that she had found in the crypt. "To you I offer myself,"  she began, adding a few leaves to the blood. Once she had finished, she scooted the bowl as close to the altar as she could and bowed again. "Let my blood show my devotion and the Salvia bring you peace and comfort as I'm sure you could use some of all three," Widow finished and rose from her bow, offering the statue a final glance and smile before heading out the way she'd came.


Art © LadyAmaris & Code © Skelle 2022

The companions watched with bated breath as the woman let out her blood into the bowl. They didn’t know her journey nor all of her struggles, but it was not for them to understand. A vole quietly and carefully moved the blood to the altar as a tenrec came and offered her a small bundle of goods. “For your efforts,” it says before bowing away.

You receive:
Opaque sack of gems
Staff: Rolled 181 gems, added to Credits

Minor mutation pass
Staff: Used for elongated tail fur on Pyxis

881 Gemstones Automatically Added
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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022