
a sun that never sets

Bronze i


12 Years
10-15-2013, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 09:08 AM by Bronze i.)

Jendai was an eccentric one, most definitely. But all of his children seemed to be a bit different. His adoptive father had been rather serious and strict, and hadn't given him much room for the kind of playful interactions that he had with his children now. They only had one life to live, after all; why not let it be something they looked back upon fondly? Bronze was happy to let Jendai enjoy her childhood while she still was able to.

He watched as she gestured to the markings she'd made in the snow, and he nodded, as though proud of her accomplishment. And he was .. however small or insignificant it might be. But she was bored, she said; she wanted to learn how to fight. What was it with his children and fighting? The blood of a warrior seemed to run through their veins -- at least for Mercury and Jendai. He wasn't sure whether he should embrace their interests quite so readily; though he didn't know why they wanted to learn to fight, he worried that the taste of blood would somehow change them. Taint them. He wanted his little children to stay naive forever, but he knew that wasn't realistic. A sigh left his lips, but the grin returned quickly. Perhaps they merely saw his scars and wanted to somehow be 'strong' like him. The thought was endearing, and he felt his heart surge as he watched his smallest daughter.

If only they knew how weak he had been. But one of the best things about being a father was that you got the chance to start anew. His own four thought of him and Silent as saints, even though they were anything but. Bronze was determined to keep this image of him alive in their minds. "I can teach you a few things," he said, chuckling gently. It would be difficult to fight with a child merely six months old, but he would succumb to her wishes. "First though, let's see what you have. Come and try to take me down." He was old, but he was not yet weak ... and his daughter was small -- there was little chance she would harm him badly.