
be careful where you step...

rexx / nature walk prompt



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
10-30-2022, 08:35 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2022, 08:35 AM by Rexx. Edited 1 time in total.)

Rexx pursed his lips as he entered the crypt’s depths, the lower hanging chains clicking uneasily along his crystal spines. It was a strange feeling, uneasy, setting small chils down his back. The tusked boy lifted his head to thoroughly scent the air for any sign of this missing person Scald was convinced was in here, but all he got was a whiff of rotten blood and the scent of the two boys next to him.

His nose wrinkled, and as a sharp set of whispers tickled his ears, swatted a paw at the empty air, as if trying to catch the source of the strange noise. ”The air is talking to me and I don’t really appreciate it,” Rexx huffed, shaking himself off as they continued towards a harrowing set of dark paths. Each one they took seemed to converge into more paths, and so on - the little filters of light they received illuminated the rusted chains and dried blood spatters in an ominous manner. Not at all helpful for guiding them.

Nobody answered Ajax’s call, but whether someone really was down here or not didn’t matter much anymore. They just needed to make sure they didn’t get trapped here themselves. Seeing the branching, winding paths in front of them, Rexx suddenly heard the crisp words flutter by his ear. It seemed to tell him to go on the parh to their right. Erm..sure. Glancing at the two boys with him, the bulky child pointed his paw towards that right branch.

”That weird voice keeps telling me to go this way,” He said with a shrug. Why not? He didn’t really want to disobey it, for some strange reason.