
Hallucination Caves Altar



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - Lesbian
10-30-2022, 02:35 PM

Faith really didn't know what she was doing anymore, she was so lost and not even the visions she received seemed to be able to help. Still she could feel something drawing her to Auster, drawing her somewhere and desperate for anything to help guide her the woman allowed herself to be pulled forward, trusting in the only power in her life she knew she could trust. As the woman pushed her way into the cave she felt like there was a pressure settling over her, the lights above her, so closely resembling stars, felt like they were staring down at her. It seemed much of her family, or former family, had been here and Faith did her best to stay out of their ways, though she towered over many wolves and her pulsing glow no doubt drew attention to her. The woman waited until her cousins were gone before she stepped forward, dual-toned eyes seeming to stick to the statue.

Was it sacrilege to offer to a diety she did not believe in? Was she drawn here to try and tear down this false idol? No there was no feeling of anger in the draw, rather it felt... Like there was something alike between them. The whispers in her ears told her they were companions, alike in many ways and she considered carefully her options. Faith took her time to carefully draw out her personal sigil in the dusting of dirt on the floor and then offered an item she'd been holding onto since the long night. Fate, she knew it meant fate, the desire to seek it out and to change it. Placing her gift on her own sigil, the symbol of her power of prophecy. She looked up at the statue again then and hoped she wasn't terribly misjudging, maybe she was betraying everything about herself with this, and maybe Abraxas was testing her through this statue. Swallowing her fear the woman stepped away and quickly made for the surface.

Faith is offering her Firefly's Favor (Locked to Faith)


Image by muryoko


The third wolf offers a bottled firefly, and it follow the same pattern as the others. There are three now flying around inside the solid glass stage as if it were thin air. Their accumulated light casts shadows in all directions.

You make your way to the surface and see your sigil carved into the ground. It pulsates with a blue light and your teeth feel warm, throbbing in tandem with the light. The next day, you realize your teeth have grown larger and sharper.

You have received:

Battle mutation (Gemstone Fangs)

Staff: note when claimed

Something Strange Happens:

You dream that night of carving sigils with your siblings. You notice the statue among them, carving a sigil that changes every time you look at it. It's impossibly intricate and you feel like if you could just focus harder, you could make sense of the lines.

Unfortunately, you wake up before you're able to read it.

You gain 56 experience points.

Staff: note when claimed
Faith sometimes has visions (auditory and/or visual), she may react to them. They are not perceptible to others.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.