
Meant to Live



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2013, 10:18 AM

Though Epiphron wasn't a woman that preferred to rule by fear -- it seemed that was more of her brother Syrinx's style of leadership -- she appreciated the girl's submissive nature. As she examined her further, she seemed hardly more than a yearling; it was impressive she had survived this long on her own at all. The smile remained on her lips, and though its genuineness was questionable to those who knew her well, it was not exactly condescending.

The girl was nervous, and she didn't want to see her grovel before her. Seracia was not a tyranny, but instead a Kingdom ruled on respect and mutual loyalty. She would teach her that quickly. "Don't be alarmed. I can see that you mean us no harm." Though she was always on edge when strangers arrived here, she could tell this girl was no spy -- and if she was, she was a damn good one.

It seemed her hunger had pushed her into a frenzy, and she hadn't realized she'd been stepping into claimed territory. Blue eyes watched her, noting how underfed she did appear to be. "If you are looking for a home, you are more than welcome in the Kingdom of Seracia. I am the Queen; but please, just call me Epiphron. All we ask here is that you contribute what you can. Listen to your superiors. And the Kingdom ought to come first at all times, even in the face of death. Selflessness will be greatly rewarded." What good was a member who would not fight for their own family, and work for the greater good? All but useless.

And this girl was already quite selfless, offering the small deer she had taken down in exchange for protection. "Keep your meal. Give me your name, though, and you are more than welcome to make this your home if our principles appeal to you." This was no place for wolves who found joy in killing or wreaking havoc, and she could only hope this yearling was not so evilly-inclined, though it certainly seemed she wasn't.