
be careful where you step...

rexx / nature walk prompt



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
10-30-2022, 05:36 PM

They continued down the path Rexx had been geuided towards, the boys following behind him. The bulky child padded his way through the rusty, stained tunnels and stome floors with flicked ears and a cautiously stiff nub tail. There could be anything lurking around every corner and bend they turned and twisted around, and it would be wise to keep their heads on swivels for any sign of danger. Not that he was concerned, not really anyways. The risk was balanced with the output of a reward. As Ajax mentioned, there could even be treaure lying in wait for the, for their valiant efforts. Though he couldn’t say he was as convinced as the other two that there was someone truly in this place.

”It’s possible! We’ll just have to keep going and find out..” Rexx said, his voice trailing off as he swatted his ear. Another whisper, hushed voices that fluttered away like the moths that occasionally flapped in the darker corners. Up ahead upahead, The whispers suggested. Pausing to look down the corridor, one that looked about as identical as the rest, he saw someone, or something rustling in the patches where light did not touch. Swallowing thickly, Rexx felt his alarm bells go off - not swaying gently, they were blaring in his head, and he glanced back at Scald and Ajax as if searching for some indication of what to do. Deciding to investigate, he slowly crept towards the dark figure, the one in the corner, breath hitched as he made every footfall as silent as possible. Inching closer and closer..

”GAHH!” Rexx yelped involuntarily, skittering back as a rather ornery raccon hissed at the trio, its greasy fur and beady eyes all the more ominous between filtered light. It bared its teeth at them, annoyed that they bothered its meal of some form of rotten fruit, and it proceeded to run off into another corridor, leaving Rexx to try and process what just happened. No treasure, nothing. Just a sad pile of mush.