
Let me in, unlock the door



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2013, 10:53 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 10:53 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's expression seemed pleasant, but otherwise unreadable, as the male began to speak. There were many possibilities when a stranger approached and called to speak with someone of power, and many of those were unpleasant. Perhaps it was more news from Valhalla about the current happenings? The mere thought made her stomach turn -- the children had yet to be escorted here, and she could only hope they were safe and sound at home. But this male's scent was wildly unfamiliar, and held no trace of her former pack. And so her worries subsided gradually as she came to rest upon her hindquarters, mere feet from him.

He introduced himself politely, and Epiphron found herself dipping her head in gentle respect. "It is a pleasure to have you," she said cordially, the corners of her lips turning upward in a gentle smile. "And I am glad you seek information before blindly joining us. The last thing I would want to do is have to force someone out because they do not live as we do." She was grateful that, thus far, she and Maverick hadn't needed to punish or banish anyone from the pack. The wolves here seemed to truly be good beings.

It seemed, though, that the easiest way to get to know a pack was to live in it -- but some general rules were also helpful. "Seracia is a good home," she started surely, blue eyes seeking his own gaze. "We ask very little of our members beyond contribution and respect. Contribute what you can, and you will be rewarded." They were keen to notice when members were being fruitful -- and also when they were sitting on the sidelines. And they would always have a home, but would never truly flourish unless they worked hard. "Also, we ask that you put the Kingdom first at all times. Help others, and you too will flourish. Beyond that, listen to your superiors -- we don't ask much of you, as I said. My husband is Maverick Tahir-Mathias -- your King, if you decide to join us. If you find this place isn't fitting, you are more than welcome to leave." There was no use in fighting to keep members who were miserable... she saw no good in keeping wolves who didn't want to contribute to the Kingdom, or do much of anything at all. "And please, let me know if you have any questions."