
Soulless Forest Altar


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-30-2022, 10:01 PM

Alastor had led the expedition of the Elysian wolves out to the Soulless Forest once again, compelled by unseen forces to continue to offer tribute to the entity that took up residence in the corpse-filled forest. Plodding carelessly through a puddle of blood and drinking in the scent of iron and copper on the air, the dire brute led Relm and Kichi through the dark trees until they came upon the altar once more. The shrine had been cleaned and cleared of all previous offerings, though it seemed many wolves had left newer tributes in their place. Alastor watched while Kichi and Relm both made their offering to the deity, then it was his turn. The ebony dire wolf stepped forth, deafened by the silence of the familiars that had been so dutifully taking care of their master's shrine. The mood felt... off. Sober and dour. It wasn't the same sort of energy that had been here previously. Dark eyes looked down to the black cat that he had interacted with previously. She made not a sound, and that somehow worried Alastor more than anything else.

Slung around his neck was a large bag, bulging slightly with its contents. Alastor slipped the bag off and reached a large black paw within, producing the perfectly stripped and preserved skull of a wolf. This was no ordinary skull, however. Despite having been involved in this particular wolf's demise, this had been the woman that he and Manea had slaughtered under a blood moon during their honeymoon the night they had conceived their first litter. After their coupling, Alastor had decapitated the woman's remains, stripped the skull of all tissue and sinew, then allowed the bones to bleach to a pristine and perfect white by leaving them out in the sun on the beach, allowing sun and salt to do their work. The results were a beautiful if not macabre sculpture of the interior of every lupine's head. He'd kept the skull like a trophy mounted in his family's den, a reminder of the night he and Manea had created their family and brought life to what would one day become Elysium.

Alastor stepped up to the altar, noticing the small crow resting between the two stone candles. He made sure to be careful of the small bird while he set the skull down next to the statue's paws. He patted the top of the cranium with a little grim smile. "You be good now," he jokingly told the skull, then lowered his head to the statue and the crow in a respectful bow. As he stepped back from the altar, he looked down to the black cat once more. "Your patron," he began, glancing to the three-headed stone cerberus, "does it have a name?"

"Alastor Mendacium"


With your offering complete, the atmosphere begins to subtly shift. There is a palpable discomfort in the air and an energy of carefully contained anger beginning to radiate from the statue's skeletal eye sockets where the light-absorbing fireflies nest. The two you can see begin to vibrate in annoyance, though something seems to withhold their ire enough, at least, that they do not outright begin to swarm you. Regardless, you cannot ignore the feeling that you have wronged this God deeply.

The fog begins to roll in from behind the statue, crashing into the stone and through it. Where it converges once more at the statue's front, it's shape is unmistakable. Before you stands the cerberus in his fog made flesh, six inky black fireflies hovering where the three sets of eyes should be. His maw opens and closes in conversation, but no sound is made. From off to the side the black cat steps forward to speak on behalf of his patron, eyes fixed firm upon you, ear twitching periodically toward the fog.

"You have stolen something that belongs to me." She begins in a cold deadpan. "You have taken a wolf's life years before it's time and have shown a gross disrespect for Death itself." The cat gives a deliberate and signalling nod and fireflies begin to fill the air. They do not seek to restrain you, instead beginning to form a thick sphere around you and the surrounding area, separating you, the statue, the cat and the fog from any curious eyes. Surrounding you is now a thick and rippling expanse of darkness, a void like no other.

"You have been declared a monster once before, and in your years since you have not sought to rectify this." Anger infuses the words, though the cat's expression has not shifted. The cerberus-shaped cloud of fog slams down one forepaw to punctuate his words, sending forth a violent explosion of mist. An ethereal whisper pierces the void, an echo from long ago spoken by a voice you never expected to hear again. Your crimes must be punished!

"And yet you refuse to acknowledge the punishment thrust upon you! The blemish upon the faces of your children, a curse that you masquerade as blessing." A chorus of cacophonous buzzing peels forth from the veil of fireflies. You get the distinct feeling that they are laughing along with their God. "I will give you one last chance, Wolf. This life you have stolen will be someday born anew and the energy necessary to bring about that rebirth will be gifted by you. This is the offering I take. You fought so hard to hold onto your fertility all those years ago, let us see if we can make you regret that decision... if you are capable of regret at all."

In one swift movement the cerberus of fog suddenly lunges, crashing a wave of cold deep into your core before disappearing into the ground at your paws.

You have received:

Cursed Litter Pass

Staff: note when claimed

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.


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