
i cant stop


10-15-2013, 01:21 PM

He sat confidently upon the threshold of Glaciem. His silver eyes shone within the white atmosphere. Everything was so clean and pristine. He enjoyed it. Though, he had a feeling the snow was going to be marked with red soon enough. His brother wasn't the most friendly soul. His tail slithered around behind him idly. He stood out within the blanket of white. His dark fur mingled with the simple flecks. Though, soon enough his call was answered. A familiar yet distant scent filled his icy nose. His sister. A horrible grin flittered across his sultry lips as her grey body swung into view. He stared into her gentle eyes but she had a not so amused. Her words were less then exciting. Monotone vocals filled the air and he grinned. "Oh come on little sis. You are happy I am back." He sent her a wink and rose. He stood tall, snow fell from his pelt. He bore four braclets. One on each leg just beneath his knees, they were a sparkling silver. He also wore a silver necklace with a white pendant upon the chain. He tilted his head and let forth more tones. "Where is Isardis? I wish to aid him, I have heard murmurs of a war?" He raised his brow, ever so slightly. Each move was with poise, he was an image of elegance.
