
The Blackened Water's Call


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
10-31-2022, 08:39 AM
So the decision was made, and he was satisfied with the final choice. Though, when his sister implied that she hadn't been given the opportunity to check it out thoroughly, he began to nod. "Me neither," He agreed. At least she had gotten glimpses of it, though. Aresenn, hadn't really even left the beach- well, besides to go to the den. "I haven't gone inside at all, so it should be interesting." Or at least, he hoped.

Rivin seemed to know the way there, so he was happy to allow her to take the lead. But as they drew close, well, the ship was hard to miss. The Praetor boy cautiously followed his sister up the loading dock. The wood was a little squishy with water and age. It was rotted in some places, and rusted in others. It wasn't in the best shape by any means, but yet, here it was. When Rivin declared it to be the mightiest ship, he couldn't help the part laugh- part scoff that caught in the back of his throat. "It's certainly something." He agreed, to some extent.

The ship was clearly old. But how old? Who did it originally belong to? Obviously, it wasn't that important, or the owners would be here fighting them for it. Or perhaps, something happened to the owners. "How do you think this even got here?" Aresenn mused aloud, echoing the thoughts that clouded his mind. But he knew that he was probably never going to get an answer.

However, the large iron cylinders resting on two wheels near the guard rails on the sides, he might. There were several of whatever they were positioned strategically on either side. "What's this?" He asked lightly, crossing the distance to investigate.