
Shoot it, shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now

[Pack Challenge - Valhalla]



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-31-2022, 08:42 AM

It was difficult to follow the proceeding events.  Just as Ardyn and the monochromatic woman tensed to engage, the tones of a masculine voice called out over the chaos. She squinted as she searched those gathered for the source. Much to her surprise, her attention landed on a multi-colored brute with wings- if he didn't have four legs, she would of thought him as a bird in her peripheral. As he called for Bells- probably a nickname for Bella or perhaps Isabelle she imagined- the monochromatic woman's ears perked to attention. Ignis has Saga. Obviously a bad thing to Bells and the smaller winged lupine. Immediately the monochromatic woman with an impressive volume to her voice called off the challenge- proclaiming that her child was in danger. Saga. Who was Ignis, she wondered.

As they interesting pair left the scene, her attention followed them. Rightly so, the woman was obviously livid. The smaller male mentioned that perhaps this Ignis had taken their daughter south. South Boreas? Or South of Boreas in Auster? She thought to herself, though it didn't particularly matter.

She glanced to Ardyn, and then back Aurielle and her situation as she deliberated internally. As she came to the conclusion that everything was under control for the most part,  her attention returned to the retreating challengers as they left the gathering, Cassi circled the outside edge of the small crowd until there was no one in between herself and the monochromatic female's party. With careful consideration, the ashen fae deeply inhaled. Catching as much scent as she could and committing it to memory. When she got what she was looking for, she returned to Ardyn's side of the dispersing conflict, offering a gentle nod as she tried to absorb what all had just happened.