
alabaster dreams




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
10-31-2022, 01:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2022, 01:36 PM by Incubus. Edited 1 time in total.)

Incubus had been back in Boreas for some time at this point. His return was not a decision he took lightly. The male was aware that he could only vanish so many times before his family got tired of it. He could only tug at his mother's heart so much before even she turned a cold shoulder to him. It took some time for him to even build up the desire to face the Kleins. To want to wander their world again. It was not for a lack of love. Upon vanishing he found the loner life to be hard but very freeing. No titles, no expectations, and no obligations. A wonderous world of doing whatever the hell he desired. But, after a while that lifestyle lost it's appeal. As Inc's youth faded he realized he had nothing to show for himself. Maybe a few bastards and even more angry faes to follow, but that was it.

Upon returning he knew he didn't want to just rush to Harabi in search of his mother. Incubus remained hesitant for some time, allowing himself to get a taste of Boreas before delving deeper. As mentioned before he didn't want to keep returning just to leave again. He couldn't do that to Deathbelle again. Thus, he kept busy with the spooky alters and partook in numerous spars. Incubus spent a lot of time exploring and even meeting a few Wolves. He managed to keep busy and after some time he knew that he had to stay. Incubus had the desire, once again, to make a name for himself. Thus, he figured the one place he could do that would be the helm of the Empire, Ashen.

Incubus slithered through the tall grass plains with a swift but easy stride. Pink and blue eyes scanned his path ahead as he moved towards the Ashen border. He was at the eastern side, the land border of The Alabaster Shrine and The Tall Grass Plains. The only other options involved swimming and there was no way the Klein was going to show up to Ashen looking like some oversized wet rat.

Upon reaching the border Incubus allowed his strides to slow to a complete stop. He was respectful of the scented line in the earth, keeping a few feet from it. The beast soothed his breathing for a few moments and took in the land before him. Staring into his former home with interest caused his heart rate to increase ever so slightly. His nerves seemed to tingle gently with the unknown ahead of him. Who would answer his call? Last he knew Venom was Empress but had that changed? Was the throne even that of Klein blood? That thought made him uneasy just a touch. But, none of these questions tainted his rather cool appearance.

Shoving the thoughts away, his head tilted upward and jaws parted to allow a beautifuly deep howl to slip into the air.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]