
A Small Break From Magical Things

Iki Healing Seasonal


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
10-31-2022, 09:42 PM

Seere carefully picks off some the lavender, making sure to gather petals, stalks and roots as she goes. A joyfully hum fills the air as she works, the wonderful day only enhancing her enjoyment of everything. Movement pulls her attention up and away from the plant that she at and a smile breaks across her lips as she finds the black and white form of her cousin, Ikigai, approaching with her companions.  The small girl’s tail wags happily as she finishes up, placing the items in her leather satchel before lopes over to her beautiful cousin Iki greets her and Seere says, “Hey Ikigai! I haven’t seen you forever! How are you doing?” Looking up at the taller woman the smile turns into a bright, warm grin and the girl moves forward to offer the pretty woman a hug.

Part of her is sad that she didn’t get the chance to get to know Ikigai better before she had to leave but she is grateful for this chance run in. Once she is done with the embrace, the girl steps back, nodding Iki’s observation about her collecting plants and Seere happily says, “Yeah! I need to keep the stores full at home. You know, since I am Ashen’s new Apothaker!” Small chest puffs out slightly as she shares her title but quickly deflates as she moves to open her bag and show off what she has. Paw carefully shifts through the bundles, naming off the plants that she has, “So far I have some valerian root, marshmallow, horsetail…” The list goes on and on and her voice fills the space between them. Iki offers her more herbs to add to the collection and the girl gratefully takes them.

With great care, the monochrome girl adds them to her pack, before moving to walk with Iki. Following alongside the black and white wolf, the girl’s legs kick up high as she prances, happy to be sharing her time with someone.The beautiful Iki’s question has Seere happily chirping, “Yep! Auntie Venom has a boyfriend now and mom is training in healing along with my sister, Saia! Stolas still likes his books and Sitri likes to keep to himself. But everyone is happy and healthy! Can you come back and visit us soon?” The girl’s mismatched gaze looks to the pretty wolf, curious if she will be able to come back to see Ashen sometime soon. A thought occurs to her and she adds, “Oh, we’re adding a new land to the Ashen Empire too!”

Mismatched gaze falls to the plant that Iki stops up, watching with wide eyes, as the fae carefully digs up with her dexterous paws before passing it off to her. With as much care as possible, Seere gently takes the plant that her cousin offers. For a moment, uncertainty flickers in her eyes as she catches Ikigai’s gaze, questioning, “Can you come back and show me how to do it right? I… I don’t want to hurt it.” The girl pulls a loose piece of cloth from her bag and carefully wraps the root ball before placing it inside her satchel. Moving to a large cluster of wildflowers, Seere quietly watches the way the wind makes them wave as it moves through them. With everything happening in the lands, it is nice to be able to stop and enjoy the small joys of life.

With a small, content sigh, Seere says, “Life sure has gotten busy lately. It seems that I have less and less time to go outside the borders. I have wanted to go and try to track down a really sweet boy I met in fern gulley but I just… haven’t found time.” Shoulders shrug as she gently caresses the petals of a blue flower before shifting her attention to a cluster of nearby juniper bushes. Moving to them, she pulls out a small pouch made of cloth and the monochrome girl carefully plucks berries while continuing to talk, “He is cute too. I… hope he hasn’t forgotten about me. He is training to be a healer too!”

Flashing a grin to Ikigai, Seere cinches the small pouch and tosses it to monochrome lady, adding a wink for good measure before pulling out an identical one to pluck some more berries. While she works, the girl asks, “How have you been cousin Ikigai? I heard you are living in Elysium now. Is it nice? Can I come and visit you?” Truthfully, the girl doesn’t mean to be so full of questions but she wants to know what other packs are like. Are they nice? Scary? Is it like Ashen or different? Since Iki gets to go explore the world, the girl figures that she can learn a lot from her. Plus, Ikigai is a smart wolf and wise of the ways of the world.

WC: 809
Total WC: 1579/1500

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.