
Honey, honey, you're my favorite drug




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
11-01-2022, 04:55 PM

Even though she did still feel as though he had gone too far and pushed her tolerance to its breaking point, she did also acknowledge that she had lost sight of just how devoted Alastor really was. Her own jealousy and fear of the 'what ifs' had made her question things she should never have to question and worry over things that she knew would never actually come to pass. It had just been so easy to spiral into the fear of heartbreak and rejection, of having put her already fragile trust into the wrong paws. But laying here like this, pressed into the wolf she loved more than life itself, leaning into his gentle touch as he wiped away her tears, and enjoying the feeling of his paws roaming over her body—it all assured her that it had all been in her head. The situation wasn't one she would have chosen, but she had to make herself believe that Alastor would hold true to his promises regardless of the consequences if it ever came to that. Thinking anything else was only tearing her apart and she couldn't live without him.

As he reclined back into the bedding, she reached forward to slip her forelegs around the back of his neck, pulling herself up his body a bit with a hint of a grin on her lips as she tipped her muzzle up to press a kiss to his lips. A deep relief and love still showed through in her aqua gaze and it was hard to keep herself from falling right back into passionate, carnal pleasures with him as she continued to celebrate having him with her again. All she really wanted to do was make up for lost time for the weeks that they had been separated and just reaffirm to herself that this eternal, never ending spark between them still burned just as intensely regardless of the things trying to come between them. She pressed several lingering kisses to his lips, humming quietly under her breath at the feeling of his large paws sliding over her feminine curves.

Still, she knew they needed some kind of compromise or to actually talk about what was going on if they were going to keep from falling into this pattern of distrust and worry again. It was worth putting off her desires for a moment longer to do that so that she could have the peace that peace of mind. No mater how much it bothered her she knew he would eventually go back to Relm when he left here and she needed new boundaries for them both before that happened. She sighed softly and leaned back a bit to let her gaze find his again, her paw stroking over his cheek and feeling his soft fur under her paw pads.

"I know neither of us want to give up our lovers, but could you just make one compromise for me? Just come home every night. I'll concede and let you be with Relm during the day whenever we don't have something going on with our pack or family that needs your attention, but I just want you here with me at night." That didn't feel like an unfair compromise or too much of an ask for her own peace of mind. It was such a little thing in the grand scheme of their relationship, but it had hurt more than she could describe to lay here alone at night without him. After a beat of thought she added softly, "And just... promise me that if anything happens and I have to enforce our laws then you won't hate me for it."

"Manea & Alastor Mendacium"