
Dance with the devil

Alastor, Seasonal



6 Years
Dire wolf
11-01-2022, 12:10 AM
Oh he had gone and done it now! Kavik heard Alastor's remark, but didn't stop to address the enraged wolf. Instead he continued to walk away, willfully ignoring his Commander's fury like he wasn't even there. Perhaps that was a mistake, since the next thing Kavik heard was the thundering of paws, and then shortly after he was crumpling to the ground as he was thrown from his feet. He grunted when his shoulder impacted the ground and rolled with his momentum, landing on his paws to face off against a snarling Alastor. Kavik bared his teeth back, but his snarl relaxed into a taunting grin, blue eyes shining with a wicked humor to them. "What, didn't hear me the first time? Maybe I should make Manea moan louder next time so you get the picture." Was he asking for a fight? Hell yeah he was! This would all be used as ammunition against the emotionally hijacked wolf when he brought the fight up to an already pissed off Manea.

It would have been easy for him to fight back against Alastor, but for now Kavik played the passive hero, not engaging in Alastor's antics. He rose up, muscles tensed, prepared to move as he needed to in order to avoid his opponent's strikes. Alastor came at him with another swipe of those deadly clawed paws and Kavik ducked easily beneath the blow, then skirted around to Alastor's side to get out of his striking distance. "Hey, don't worry, big guy! I'm taking good care of her while you're off playing house with another woman." Kavik gave a mocking chuckle, his tail flagging and wagging like a playful pup, showing just how trivial he found this whole matter to be.

WC: 290
Total: 1303 / 1500

"Kävik av Fjellen"