
Dance with the devil

Alastor, Seasonal



6 Years
Dire wolf
11-01-2022, 12:35 AM
All of his taunting and mocking of Alastor had done what he intended it to do. They enraged Alastor, incensed him to a state of clumsiness and feral recklessness. He wanted the dire wolf mad and out of control so he might make a mistake and do something he regretted. Well, Kavik got his wish all right, in the form of Alastor's claws ripping through his thigh on one well timed strike. The searing pain that flashed through his muscles drew an involuntary yelp from the wolf and he landed wrong on his dodge, slipping under his weight. Alastor didn't waste any time it seemed, because the next thing Kavik knew, a massive weight was knocking him to his back and then pinning him to the ground. He choked as pressure was pushed into his windpipe and sharp razors pricked into his throat. When his world stopped spinning, he realized he was pinned beneath Alastor, the Commander's claws digging into his skin where his carotid and jugular beat with his pulse.

Alastor snarled out his threat and pressed harder, cutting off Kavik's breathing with a choking gurgle. The cocky white wolf realized he should have felt fear in that moment, but all he could feel was triumph. He had gotten to Alastor, gotten him to lose control and wound him, leaving physical evidence to show Manea. He hadn't laid a paw back on Alastor either, making the situation seem even worse for the Mendacium brute. And best of all, his opponent even confirmed what he knew—Alastor couldn't kill him without risking jeopardizing his own relationship even more! Kavik grinned up at Al, raising his paws in submission as he conceded defeat. Alastor snarled again, but released his throat, allowing Kavik to suck in a quick breath. Before he could get to his paws, one thickly muscled black leg kicking back to nail him in his stomach, knocking the wind from him. While Kavik doubled over and gasped, Alastor growled and trudged off into the woods, leaving a breathlessly laughing Kavik alone to nurse his wounds and plan on finding Manea. He might have taken a few knocks, but he was going to screw over Alastor big time with this.

"Kävik av Fjellen"