
What Does The Fox Say?

Solo Fighting Seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
11-01-2022, 11:30 AM

Enki had decided that he is going to sneak away from his family to go do a little exploring in the strange land with all the stones. It is not difficult to slip away, especially since the sun is high in the sky. Pink form silently slips across the land, wide pale blue eyes eagerly drink in the the strange pillars, noting how some of them are covered in moss but all are eroded by time. Excitement zips along the pup’s nerves, coming out in his high steps as he trots out through this new land, eager to explore and maybe find some extraordinary treasure.

A gentle wind tickles his fur and causes the grass around him to ripple with its passing and Enki enjoys the feeling of the sun warming his pelt. He stops by one large, broken stone pillar, the pup’s curiosity has him lowering his head to sniff at the ivy and flowers that crawl across its features. Abruptly, the wind shifts and the scent of a predator near him has Enki spinning around to face off with an unsuspecting predator. It is a fox and, now that he has been spotted, pauses in mid-step while weighing its options.

The pup tries to be scary, scrunching up his scruff, narrowing his eyes and flattening his ears while growling as loudly as his little puppy lungs allow. The orange creature’s ears flick backward in a show of uncertainty, the size difference seems to lend it some boldness as it slowly stalks forward. Enki, tries to deter it by lunging forward and slapping his paws against the ground in a show of force before retreating back to his starting position. The beast and pup square up, assessing each other and the fox pauses a moment before continuing toward him.

Without warning, a wave of boldness takes hold and the fox lunges toward the pink pup. Enki barks in surprise, shrinking back as the fox’s fangs flash toward his face. Pink paws lash out and catch the creature’s face causing the pup to feel a surge of pride as one of his paws connects and the fox lets out a startled sound. The beast shrinks back and the pup slowly begins to move, circling to the side in a bid to put the fox’s back against the stones. However, the fox isn’t stupid and moves with him, the two predators, circling each other, waiting and searching for an opening. The pup snarls and feints a lunge forward.

As the fox shrinks back from the perceived attack, Enki shifts his weight sideways and comes at it from its left side. It is unprepared for this quick second attack and the pup almost grabs ahold of its face. However, the fox is quick and turns its head toward his face, teeth flashing in the sunlight as he seeks to bite the pup’s face. Enki swiftly turns his own head to the side, trying to protect his eyes from the sharp teeth while he body slams the fox. Luck is on the pup’s side as the two go tumbling, teeth seeking purchase wherever they can and the air is filled with the sound of their fighting.

Enki feels the fox’s teeth pinch the side of his neck and a burst of adrenaline has him snarling in anger as his own jaws lash out, seeking… anything. They grab ahold of one of creature’s ears and he feels his small teeth puncture the cartilage before the pup thrashes his head. The ear doesn’t stand a chance against his puppy teeth and the ear is shredded mercilessly, drawing pained sounds from the fox. The orange beast shoves at the pink pup, trying to put distance between it and Enki.

The boy takes advantage of this and backs away, lowering himself while setting his paws as he faces the injured foe. The fox is mad, in pain, and desperate. It snarls at him and the pink boy charges, not giving the beast time to rest. Bodies clash once more but this time they stay upright, as the fox lefts his front end in an attempt to crash down onto of the pup. However, Enki notices the shift of the creature’s weight into its hind end and he quickly stands, paws slapping out at the orange beast. Snarls fill the air as paws of both creatures slap out and the dull thudding of paws against flesh can be heard.

This time both sets of teeth do not find purchase and, as they land, Enki jumps backward, ready to attack again if the fox does not retreat. The injured creature backs away, its shredded ear leaking blood at an alarming rate and pain written across its face. It hesitates, trying to determine if the pup is really worth all this fuss. It seems to realize that this is a lost cause and the fox makes the first wise decision since it met Enki. Without another sound, it turns around and hightails out of there. The small pup stands triumphant among the stones, enjoying his first win against all by himself.

WC: 851/800

"Enki Klein"